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[May. 12th, 2022|08:12 pm]
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Date:May 13th, 2022 - 07:08 pm
Maybe - I just don't understand where he thinks I have gone wrong. I genuinely don't get why he can't see that it is possible to calculate trends concerning rates of infection according to vaccination status (per 100,000) over a period of time if we know a) the number of infections per group each week and b) the total number of each group. Maybe someone else could explain? If I have gone wrong somewhere: fine. I'm not a statistician, bet pagaidam...
[User Picture]
Date:May 13th, 2022 - 08:33 pm
As i said, don't bother. They will double down on 2+2=5 forever now. Remember that chick (Hedera), who suddenly couldn't understand basic proportion calculations that is learned in primary school, when it didn't suit The Message. Yeah.
[User Picture]
Date:May 14th, 2022 - 11:08 am
oh - atceros kaut ko tam liidziigu! It was odd cos - as far as I understood - she has a PHD in being clever or something from Oxford University: might be wrong about that.

If your thesis is right, then the future is simply appalling. We are in a home for the .... I don't know the adjective: 'bewildered' doesn't cut it. Maybe 'terrified'? An Irish pagan I listen to from time to time claims the majority of people are mortified about not fitting in - which in this case is fitting in - maybe ostentatiously - with the current correct opinion about whatever is coming down the pipe (you wouldn't want to be an idiot, far-right, populist, conspiracy theorist with the brain of a potato - (think of all the people who will think you are an orrible cretin!). The only way you can resist this (without resisting for the sake of resistance) is by understanding reality as best you can - which often, as Orwell stated, is recognising 2 + 2 = 4.
Like I said, though: if I have fucked up in my calculations, just let me know (anyone reading this). I can take it. They will need some revision in any event as I am waiting for some more up-to-date data from the relevant institutions.
[User Picture]
Date:May 14th, 2022 - 12:39 pm
I also ought to point out that SPKC was giving exactly this form of data (so-called 'tufta'), namely infection rates for each group (according to vaccination status) per 100,000.

Until they took it down.

Had they got confused among those three pine trees, too? someone should tell them.