black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2023-04-19 22:22:00

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Kaut kur diezgan patālā atmiņā man ir kāds cibas ieraksts - neatceros autoru, kur vienā rindkopā bija minēti transhumānisms un transdženderisms. Tam sekoja komentāri, kuros, ja atmiņa neviļ, bija norādīts, ka cilvēks putrojas un tie ir divi pavisam atsevišķi fenomeni - vai kā tml. Par to atcerējos, jo tikko saskāros ar tekstu, kas vēsta, ka abu t-ismu sasaistījums tomēr varētu būt bijis right on the money.

"One such visionary is transgender pharmaceutical entrepreneur Martine Rothblatt, who argues that the quest to master one's sexed body is merely the first step in a far greater quest to master emodiment altogether.

Rothblatt recognises that this emancipation is a logical outworking of progress, and by extension of liberal feminism, for 'the course of progress in civilization has been to render as irrelevant as possible the birth status of a particular individual.' Thanks to medical advances that enable humans to remodel their own bodies, Rothblatt argues, biological sex is now merely an accident of 'birth status'. Progress means unchaining individuals from the arbitrary nature of bodily sex, in the name of, as Rothblatt puts it, 'the full cultural liberation of all people'.

In this vision, selfhood and embodiment are wholly separate things: humanness, Rothblatt asserts, 'is in the mind'. Any given 'mind' should be free to edit its own body at will, in pursuit of self-realisation. Growing technological sophistication has, Rothblatt claims, liberated us from adherence to sex role stereotypes. Now, 'thanks to culture and technology, humans are leaving those gender dimorphic behaviors behind as they come to appreciate the limitless uniqueness of their sexual identities.' Rather, 'freedom of gender is [...] the gateway to a freedom of form'.

And once we realise we're not constrained by our sex, it's only a short step to 'the awakening that we are not limited by our anatomy at all'."

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2023-04-23 10:56 (saite)
Tas ir taisnība ka cilvēki drīkst darīt ar saviem ķermeņiem ko grib. Ar savām smadzenēm ( ne citu bet tikai savām) pa lielam arī drīkst darīt ko grib kamēr tas neapdraud citus/ nekaitē citiem. Kas nav labi - nav labi pierunāt citus bojāt savus organismus/ smadzenes, tas ir pierunāt lietot alkoholu un narkotikas, pierunāt neēst gaļu, pierunāt veikt nevajadzīgas hormonālas invāzijas un nevajadzīgu ķirurģiju. Tas viss ir kaitējums un faktiski - krāpšana, dažreiz ar smagām sekām.

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