black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2023-01-29 19:45:00

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Manīju nesen kārtējo apgalvojumu, ka kāda vēsturiska persona, šoreiz - Luīza Meja Elkota, esot bijusi non-binary. Un tad atšķīru 63.lappusi Abigeilas grāmatā:

"There have always been women who broke barriers and inhabited male roles, behavior that would today be sufficient to deem them "gender nonconforming": Joan of Arc, Catherine the Great, George Eliot, George Sand, Sally Ride. But none of these women thought she was less of a woman for having taken on traditionally male roles. None insisted that she was really a man.

They might then be surprised to learn that this is precisely how schoolchildren across America are increasingly being taught to see them: on the female side of the spectrum, perhaps, but not entirely female. A little more to the male side. Or somewhere in between.

California, New Jersey, Colorado, and Illinois all have laws mandating LGBTQ history be thought in schools. As a practical matter, this has meant rewriting social studies textbooks and curricula to "out" the likes of Sally Ride, who kept her lesbianism a secret - perhaps because that wasn't how she wanted to be remembered. She seems to have considered being the first woman in space a little more important. Other giants of history are similarly vulnerable to a "baptism of the dead" - the chance to reemerge as non-binary, genderqueer or trans.

While all this sexual identity politics marches through the front door, a large scale robbery is taking place: the theft of women's achievement. The more incredible a woman is, the more barriers she busts through, the more "gender nonconforming" she is deemed to be. In this perverse schema, by definition, the more amazing a woman is, the less she counts as a woman."

Abigail Shrier, Irreversible damage (2021)

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2023-01-31 10:08 (saite)
Kamēr no tevis nepieprasa he/she/they rotaļu, tādos gadījumos es veidoju teikumu tā, lai tikai lietotu personas vārdu, izvairoties no vietniekvārdiem, jo negribu melot, ja acīmredzamā realitāte ir cita. Man bērnam skolā viens no skolotājiem ir non-binary, bērns saka, ka tas obvs ir vīrietis - es neteikšu viņai, ka nē, viņš patiesībā nav ne vīrietis, ne sieviete, jo viņš ir iedomājies, ka nav.

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2023-01-31 12:13 (saite)
rotaļas ir visādas, piemēram karaliskās personas uzrunā komplicētos titulos, tur ir vesela etiķete, tad romas pāvests ir viņa eminence, tāpat ir etiķete kad nosaukt zinātniskos grādus, diplomātiskos rangus, karavīriem - dienesta pakāpes utt.

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2023-01-31 12:30 (saite)
Ir atšķirība starp dienesta pakāpi, grādu, etc. un bioloğiju.

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2023-01-31 12:32 (saite)
Nu jā, gender identitātei nav [var nebūt] sakara ar organisma bioloģiju un ģenētiku, tas ir par to kā smadzenes strādā - par psiholoģiju. Bioloģija - tas ir par sex, psiholoģija - par gender, man šķiet ka latviski arī ir dzimums ( sex) un dzimte (gender)

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2023-01-31 13:30 (saite)
Un tad dzimte tiek padarīta par dzimumu likumā (Gender recognition act, which makes gender into sex in law), pirmais likums pasaulē, kas nošķir legal sex no fiziskā ķermeņa. Un tā mēs nonākam pie tā, ka female only spaces vairs tādas nav, jo likuma priekšā šie vīrieši ir sievietes. (Un otrādi, bet ar to, ka transvīrieši uzbruktu vīriešiem un pieprasītu atrasties vīriešu cietumos un pārsistu sporta rekordus vīriešu kategorijā problēmu, protams, nav.)

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2023-01-31 13:35 (saite)
Nu jā tur ir kļūda, vietās kur no svara ir sex nevis gender ir jāņem vērā sex nevis gender, te viņi ir sapi$ušies meistarībā.

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