black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2024-08-30 08:58:00

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-Keir Starmer has reportedly removed a painting of Margaret Thatcher from the Downing Street study room after finding it 'a bit unsettling'-

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2024-08-30 15:26 (saite)
That would somehow be even more twisted and darker 😬

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2024-08-30 16:11 (saite)
He's just a little, small minded, insecure man.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2024-08-30 17:10 (saite)
Prolly a faggot un Tečere ir Dzelzs Lēdija. Laba dominatrix.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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