Atradu lieliski lielisku lapu.
1st favourite : Patrika Hurono raksts "You Got a Friend: Two Tales of Post-Seventiessexuals"
2nd passionate: Annalee Newitz "Nymphomania"
Un pàris citàti no tà otrà:
"People need to become 'hooked' on the idea of a constructive aspect to their organizational work because they must work in order to survive. Only in extremely rare cases is a person able to participate in 'normal' social relations without working for money. Hence people frequently motivate themselves to work by consciously choosing to lie about what it is they are doing and why. They are addicted to an idea of work because they know that if they cannot make themselves work somehow, their lives will essentially be over. (..)
Having sex, people tend to substitute a biological act for an idea of what constitutes a loving relationship. And at work in their organizations, people tend to exchange an idea of socially productive relations for purely economic ones. Work and sex are mandatory addictions in contemporary culture because, in one way or another, people are acting out something destructive or traumatic that they do not wish to acknowledge consciously. However, it is equally the case that they are acting out a desire for other forms of action, or other kinds of human relationships. Most people do not go to work because they want to be alienated, nor do most people have sex because they want to degrade each other. As I said earlier, he workaholic is addicted to — hence acting out — an idea of socially constructive work; and I believe the nymphomaniac is addicted to an idea of intimacy and mutuality in social relationships."
Un, protams, lielai daljai no kritiskajiem rakstiem apakshà ir marksisms. Kà tad nu bez tà vinu proponétajà kritiskajà perspektîvà ;)