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[8. Jun 2020|10:36]
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“they’re lucky black people are looking for equality and not revenge.”

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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 10:45
Nav jau arī nekāda iemesla. Ceru arī, ka tagad daudzi sapratīs, ka vienlīdzības sasniegšana nozīmē smagu darbu un mācības, nevis narkotikas un slaistīšanos.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 10:49
vai tu šo ziņu nes arī visiem amerikas baltajiem treilerparku iemītniekiem?
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 11:30
Protams, ādas krāsai nav nozīmes.

Kāpēc tu tā jautā?
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 10:51
tev, protams, nav. ir pāris miljoni cilvēku, kam ir citāda dzīves pieredze. skaidrs, ka tev vini ir maznozīmīgi.
paste brothers ir dziesma "life is unfair", kur ir line "but i don't care". i get it.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 11:19
Jā, dzīve nav taisnīga, un tieši tas mani māca nesatraukties par dzīves netaisnībām un nezaudēt dūšu un darīt maksimālo, kas iespējams apstākļos.

Ticība, godprātīgums, centība un mīlestība – tā ir lietas, kas vada manu dzīvi.

Visa mana dzīve ir tikai, lai kalpotu citiem cilvēkiem. Es nevaru palīdzēt miljoniem, es varu palīdzēt dažiem, kas ir manā tuvumā. Palīdzēt ar konkrētām lietām, nevis abstraktām pseidozinātniskām idejām. Un kad es palīdzu, es vispār nekategorizēju cilvēkus pēc rasēm. Es neidentificējos kā baltais, kurš nes visas baltās rases privilēģijas, vai tas cits cilvēks ir melnais, kurš attiecīgi nes visas melnās rases slogu. Tāpēc ka tā domāt ir bulšits.

Vakar piemēram, es patērēju 2 stundas, lai palīdzētu aizpildīt kolēģim pirmo nodokļu deklarāciju mūžā. Tā ir vienkārša lieta – būtībā ierakstīt 2 skaitļus tiešsaistes formā – vienā, cik nopelnīts gada laikā, otrā – cik ir attaisnoto izdevumu. Bet ar viņu bija jāauklējas 2 stundas. Jo cilvēkam nekad nebija pieredzes ar nodokļiem un viņš šaubījās par katru punktu un tajā formā ir simtiem nebūtisku jautājumu, uz kuriem jāatbild nē.

Cik cilvēku bija iepriekš gribējuši viņam palīdzēt? Maksimāli cilvēki bija gatavi atbildēt uz 1 vai 2 jautājumiem un viņiem pacietība bija galā. Es domāju mans autisms, kas spiež pieķerties vienai lietai, ļoti palīdz šādos gadījumos.

Vai mani interesēja, kāda viņam bija ādas krāsa? Absolūti nē. Es palīdzēju, jo viņš bija mans kolēģis, cilvēks, kurš ir manā tuvumā (fiziski vai darga organizācijas ziņā).

Bet tev arī ieteiktu nebūt tik dzelošai. Varbūt tā ir daļa problēmas, kas rada šo sistēmisko nevienlīdzību. Palīdzi citiem ar mācībām, ar darbu, ar labiem ieteikumiem, nevis šķiro cilvēkus pēc to ādas krāsas.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 11:37
thank u for sharing. and being human.

manas smadzenes funckionē savādāk. man negribas tev neko stāstīt par to, jo tas ir maznozīmīgi tavā dzīvē un tu mani nemīli, kas tev arī nekad nav jādara. bet viss, ko es daru un saku, ir man personīgi svarīgi. mana reālā dzīve jau kādu laiku ir loti saistīta ar mn, usa. ja nebūtu, man drosi vien daudz kas būtu vienaldzīgs. so let us. heal.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:04
Cibā jau nekāda mīlestība nav iespējama. Tam ir jābūt iespējai tikties personīgi.

No manas runāšanas nekāda labuma nav, tāpēc neko daudz vairs neteikšu.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:14
manas smadzenes loti viegli mīl arī cibā.

kad tu runā par sevi, man ir silta sajūta.

un man ir priecīgi, ka mums nav dusmu vien pret otru. if it is not going too far to say that
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 10:49
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 11:48
Look up the crime stats - in the US far more whites (and the other ethnic groups) are violently attacked and killed by blacks than vice versa.

Listen to the language being employed in the protests - just keep your ears open.

Name the victims of black crime? Can you? How about the pensioners killed at a cemetery visiting the grave of their son? Say their names?

Do you know the name of the 15-year old Irish kid shanked in the back after while lying on the ground with his face cut open? It happened just after the BLM march in Ireland. The .... guys who did it uploaded it to snapchat - - fam.

Say his name

Bullshit race baiting fuckwits with attention-seeking cunts. Look at the violence: add it up.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 11:56
old sins cast long shadows
abuse people long enough, treat them as a tool, take away their freedom and dignity, let generations upon generations be nobody, with no rights, knowledge, skills, then set them free with no property or pfosession, but segragate, implant institutional/systemic racism. so now u got urself a nice setting for interesting social experiment. what will they do?
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:01
Call them out for the violence
Speak to them like adults
Stop making excuses
Stop stirring up racial hate
Stop cherry picking white on black violence (again - far less common than Black on white), and then going --- you see! Let me take a knee
Grow a pair
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:02
got no hate. just pain.
enjoy ur life.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:04
I will, and I will also tell you are spreading dangerous bullshit. People are getting killed because of this.

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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:08
thank u for spreading love and peace and saving everyone.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:09
Sometimes you save without love and peace.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:17
i wouldn't know. only healing my own soul here. never meant to burden u with my personal pain.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:20
okay - peace - just... how is your personal pain connected to... I don't know the verb ... writing off/putting white victims of black violence down to historical wrongs?
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:25
i see it primarily as a consequence. cos part of the society that was abused was never healed. so for me. healing of original sin seems like a beginning. i might be wrong and i might get killed for it. no hard feelings.
when they ended apartheid in SA, i was surprised. i expected revenge on aassive scale sweeping across all the country. I WOULD DO THAT. i was humbled.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:33
Check out the murders of farmers and their children
Any objective analysis of history shows tribal and mercantile violence from every human group on the planet.
For God's sake, stop justifying violence against random white people and ant-white hate when it is clear to all but the retarded that in most countries, backs are being bent backwards to curtail any anti-black racism. I repeat: people are being slaughtered, and the people doing it are being told - yeah, those fucking devils deserved it, or well... what can you expect, eh?
This is astro-turfed bullshit.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 12:58
i don't want to explain why it is personal pain for myself, and how my own life is affected by all that is happening in usa now, but it is. so based on my own experience with usa and people who have become close and dear to me and whom i love, i am feeling things the way i feel them, and while u might see video with angry crazy lady screaming those words i saw my own pain and cried throughout it all. it is what it is for me, i have my own life and my own pain and all i try to do is heal myself and love myself and be on my side.
and u can scream at me ad judge me if u want and call my stupid. no worries. u do u. i do me.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:00
When you write off violence, you aint doing just you. You are saying, publicly, it's okay to slaughter someone for the colour of the skin.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:15
i don't recall ever saying that. but since u see it that way, u see it that way.
i also saw it very differently from, let's say, many powerful people when colin fron nfl kneeled. it was also interesting how such opposing things were seen in that one act. so how can i ask for u to understand me now. i can not and i do not.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:19
writers write narratives
a lot of them unbelievable, but if we are emotionally involved, we can suspend the disbelief for a lifetime
if you want to anchor yourself to some objective truth, however,
we have the data
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:29
good for u. must be nice living in a sane, logical environment where emotions and personal matters are reduced to simple, clean numbers and u clearly see how it all comes to be and what to do to change it.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:31
Do you know the stats?
Are they important?
I am pretty sure that if whites were violently assaulting blacks at the same rate as blacks are attacking whites, we would hear about it.
You would probably post about it.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:33
do u care why they do it? and how to change it so they wouldn't?
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:41
I think they (the ones carrying out violence) do it for the following reasons:
lack of a father figure in the home
a debased popular culture glorifying sex and violence
being treated like kids - so, the victim complex is maintained and encouraged
blaming the white devil (in mainstream Hip Hop culture) for every problem they have
being told, yeah anyone bringing up crime stats is surely a racist
having naive virtue-seeking white people saying, I understand - in your position I would do the same
black on white crime being constantly not recorded as racist
cherry picking of white on black crime and the stirring up of baseless revenge.

That'll do for now.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 14:22
i'll take poverty. why is there such incredible wealth gap between white-black hoiseholds in usa?
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:07
Why is there such incredible wealth gap between Americans of Indian origin and, say, Koreans?

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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:19
taco-burito. nachos.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:54
Course you would... I guess it is all the fault of white people, which explains why all other ethnic groups in the USA are dirt poor as well.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:59
don't u have data that explains it?
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 16:07
Oh, now you want data? Hah hah. Despite stats showing black-on-white violence is 10 times higher (not even taking into account the fact that whites are around 60% to blacks being 13%), I have to wade through a thread trying to get you to stop putting this insane violence down to historical oppression.

There are many causes of poverty, some down to the individual, some due to societal reasons. You know that, of course. Any discussion about it, however, is redundant cos I get the strong feeling, you will only accept the politically correct reasons for it - the ones that lay no blame on those who we should be taking a knee for. That way you will be nice and fluffy: good job - go in peace and love.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 16:20
i am sorry if i tried to convince u of anything.
i understand it is disrespectful to ur experience and intelligence.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 14:19
Talking about the data. Nine unarmed black people were killed by cops in the country last year. Twice as many unarmed whites were killed. Between black and white people, less than 30 total were killed. There is no epidemic of police killing unarmed people. It doesn't exist.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 14:31
so the remaining 970 were all armed thus just to be killed? plz provide ur data source
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 14:57
To clarify, I am referring to the tally of 'fatal shootings', as compiled by the Washington Post’s data set. The tally doesn’t account for the use of other force that can be lethal, such as tasers or physical restraint. If we add other encounters in 2019, the fatalities are higher for both races. However, I stand by my point — there is no epidemic of police killing.

"According to the NOAA, over the last 20 years, the United States averaged 51 annual lightning strike fatalities (..) In the US, between 9% and 10% of those struck die, with an annual average of 25 deaths in the 2010s decade (16 in 2017)."

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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:04
and why are u referring to one type of killing thus completely misrepresenting data of overall police killing?
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:13
Good data is hard to obtain. I wish we'd have better, more granular data. However, even by adding all other encounters, the data suggests that there is no "police brutality epidemic". It is easy to mumble off some generalities, thinking about numbers and stats takes some effort.

"Since 2015, as far back as the Washington Post’s database goes, fatal police shootings of unarmed black people has decreased by 68%.

Since 2015, the number of assailants killed that were reported to be attacking one or more of the officers has stayed relatively flat, floating between 43% and 54%.

Even though the rate at which police officers are attacked in these fatal shootings has stayed flat, the rate at which they kill unarmed black people has decreased."
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:18
try harder then.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:26
I am a die-hard, try-harder kind-of guy; it's right up my alley.

You are relieved from your battle station. Fly like a bird!
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 15:28
cool. cool cool cool.
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 22:12
Viņi nevarēs dabūt ne revenge ne equality, kamēr būs piesūkušies pie baltā cilvēka pupa, vienalga kreisā vai labā.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 22:47
homie, waste no light. shine away
Date:9. Jūnijs 2020 - 00:16
No kurienes un kādās ģimenēs un skolās tādi nelieši kā tu latviešu sabiedrībā uzradušies?
Nosist tādus draņķus būtu par maz!
Pasūdzēties kaut kur negribi?
[User Picture]
Date:9. Jūnijs 2020 - 11:14
pastāstīju omītei. viņa ļoti smējās.
nedari sev pāri, nenāc te vairs