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[8. Jun 2020|10:36]
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Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 16:07
Oh, now you want data? Hah hah. Despite stats showing black-on-white violence is 10 times higher (not even taking into account the fact that whites are around 60% to blacks being 13%), I have to wade through a thread trying to get you to stop putting this insane violence down to historical oppression.

There are many causes of poverty, some down to the individual, some due to societal reasons. You know that, of course. Any discussion about it, however, is redundant cos I get the strong feeling, you will only accept the politically correct reasons for it - the ones that lay no blame on those who we should be taking a knee for. That way you will be nice and fluffy: good job - go in peace and love.
[User Picture]
Date:8. Jūnijs 2020 - 16:20
i am sorry if i tried to convince u of anything.
i understand it is disrespectful to ur experience and intelligence.