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@ 2012-11-20 14:05:00

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Remember that Moses led his people through the desert for forty years, and that after twenty years people began to complain . . . they told Moses that life in the desert was too difficult, and that at least while they were slaves they had had food and water and places to sleep. Moses's friends asked him how long he thought people would be complaining like this, and he replied, "Until the last person born under slavery has died". Our situation is very similar. The psychological gap between eastern and western Germany will last for at least a generation, or perhaps until the last person born under Communism has passed away.

— Lothar de Maizière

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2012-11-20 16:28 (saite)
Interesanti. Tikai piebildīšu, ka ja "It’s a system that functions more or less smoothly if you play by the rules", tad jāņem vērā, ka šie noteikumi un likumi ir ievērojami kompleksāki par melošanu, laupīšanām, vardarbību utml., kas būtībā ir uzvedības formas noteiktos kontekstos.

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