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@ 2009-02-28 21:23:00

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My thesis is that Latvia has become a failed state lite™. It is nothing like Somalia or Zimbabwe, the infrastructure functions, the trains run, there is 24/7 electricity, telecommunications, internet, food, water, heat (unless the bills have not been paid). The problem is political and societal, and, of late, economic along with the rest of the world. [..] Had Latvia started saving for worse times in 2006 or 2007, had it privatized fixed network operator Lattelecom and mobile operator LMT when Sweden’s TeliaSonera offered to pay around 500 million LVL, the country would still have a potential budget deficit, but a much smaller one and a war chest of several hundreds of millions with which to avoid cutting salaries for police, health and education workers. Although, on the other hand, such a windfall revenue would probably have found its way into the pockets of the ruling elite or have been squandered in other ways. That is the way of failed state Latvia — prosperity is to be stolen or squandered, poverty and austerity apportioned among those services most essential to sustaining a functioning civil society. [..] Latvia will leave the crisis weaker and more prone to stagnation. The corrupt elite will find itself sucking juices from an increasingly dessicated economic corpse.

— Juris Kaža, Why “Failed State Latvia”?

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2009-03-06 15:34 (saite)
precīzi "prosperity is to be stolen or squandered, poverty and austerity apportioned among those services most essential to sustaining a functioning civil society."
Iemiesls un no tā izrietošais pesimistiskais rezultāts, protams, izklausās ticams, taču jāatgādina, ka dzīve un sabiedrības veidojums nav nekas nemanīgi fatāls, proti, var gadities, ka nezināmu un par maz novērtētu iemeslu dēļ, notiek brīnums un latvijas iemītnieki - kā tie, kas ir 'varas elite', tā arī parastas ierindas nodokļu maksātājs - kļūst jēdzigāki un sāk darboties arī kolektīvajās interesēs.Tam pat nav jābut brīnumam, bet normālam saprātam un rīcībai. Pirmais solis varētu būt: apzināties, ka nav labo un slikto politiķu. Ir tikai tādi, kuru attīstības vīzija un tās praktiskās realizācijas mehānisma piedāvājums tevi apmierina vairāk vai apmierina mazāk. nākamais, bet ne mazāk svarīgais būtu kļūt politiski un sociāli apzinīgam un aktīvam un uzraudzīt kā izvēlētie politikāņi pilda savas vīzijas un plānus.
Lai gan kā latvietim domāt par latvijas situāciju ir galvu, zobus un vēderu sāpinoši - pārāk daudz visādu lietu te ir 'sasprūdis' - un tā kā man tā nav profesijas lieta, tad es labāk te arī apstāšos. c ya

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