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@ 2008-12-24 21:00:00

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Labais džeks—the Pope's latinist—Fr. Reginald "Reggie" Foster:

This is how Foster reacted when Karol Wojtyla began signing papal documents in Latin as "Joannes Paulus II" instead of "Ioannes Paulus II" after being elected pope 26 years ago. He quickly pointed out to a papal adviser that there is no letter "J" in Latin.

"I said, 'By the way, friend, there's no J,' " Foster recalled. "And the answer kind of came back that the pope said, 'Well, now there is.' Well, fine, fine. He's the boss. And if you look at his tomb, the J is gone. One of my brethren said, 'Well he enjoyed his J for 26 years, and now it's gone.' His tombstone has 'I.' "

His appearances on a weekly Vatican Radio segment dubbed The Latin Lover are legendary.

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2008-12-25 18:48 (saite)
tikpat labi tu varētu teikt, ka esi klasiskās mūzikas pazinējs vai pazinēja, tāpēc tev būtu atļauts to izmantot tālruņa melodijām. šīs lietas tā nedarbojas. gatavojies

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2008-12-26 09:36 (saite)
klasiskās mūzikas motīvi telefona melodijām nav nekas izcils, piekrītu. bet īsti nesaprotu - Tavuprāt, māksla paredzēta tikai kaut kādam "hermētiski noslēgtam" izmantojumam, proti, gleznas - muzejos un galerijās, mūzika - koncerzālēs?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2008-12-26 20:59 (saite)

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