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@ 2018-03-16 13:04:00

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Labāk vērsties pret patiesības izgaismotāju (Neo), nevis galveno cēloni (root cause)
"Everyone in Latvia has known for many years that Parex used to and ABLV still does launder Russian Mafia money. But somehow the ECB doesn’t know, even though the ECB is the regulator for ABLV. How can two million Latvians know something however the regulator doesn’t?

Also, the ECB must know that Rimsevics is corrupt and working in the interests of Parex and ABLV. For example, after Rimsevics organized the fraudulent Parex bailout, he was caught by whistleblower ‘Neo’ paying a large secret bonus for himself using the small bit of Latvian taxpayer money that hadn’t already been stolen. And then, prosecution commenced against ‘Neo’ instead of against Rimsevics, at the request of ABLV."

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2018-03-16 15:33 (saite)
Drīzāk viņam vispār nevajadzēja bāzties par pudeles korķi jautājumā, kas nav LB kompetencē. Tā vietā labāk būtu ar tiešajiem pienākumiem vairāk nodarbojušies.

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