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@ 2017-12-28 17:13:00

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"Scott starts with the story of “scientific forestry” in 18th century Prussia. Enlightenment rationalists noticed that peasants were just cutting down whatever trees happened to grow in the forests, like a chump. They came up with a better idea: clear all the forests and replace them by planting identical copies of Norway spruce (the highest-lumber-yield-per-unit-time tree) in an evenly-spaced rectangular grid. Then you could just walk in with an axe one day and chop down like a zillion trees an hour and have more timber than you could possibly ever want.

This went poorly. The impoverished ecosystem couldn’t support the game animals and medicinal herbs that sustained the surrounding peasant villages, and they suffered an economic collapse. The endless rows of identical trees were a perfect breeding ground for plant diseases and forest fires. And the complex ecological processes that sustained the soil stopped working, so after a generation the Norway spruces grew stunted and malnourished. Yet for some reason, everyone involved got promoted, and “scientific forestry” spread across Europe and the world.

And this pattern repeats with suspicious regularity across history, not just in biological systems but also in social ones.

Natural organically-evolved cities tend to be densely-packed mixtures of dark alleys, tiny shops, and overcrowded streets. Modern scientific rationalists came up with a better idea: an evenly-spaced rectangular grid of identical giant Brutalist apartment buildings separated by wide boulevards, with everything separated into carefully-zoned districts. Yet for some reason, whenever these new rational cities were built, people hated them and did everything they could to move out into more organic suburbs. And again, for some reason the urban planners got promoted, became famous, and spread their destructive techniques around the world.

Ye olde organically-evolved peasant villages tended to be complicated confusions of everybody trying to raise fifty different crops at the same time on awkwardly shaped cramped parcels of land. Modern scientific rationalists came up with a better idea: giant collective mechanized farms growing purpose-bred high-yield crops and arranged in (say it with me) evenly-spaced rectangular grids. Yet for some reason, these giant collective farms had lower yields per acre than the old traditional methods, and wherever they arose famine and mass starvation followed. And again, for some reason governments continued to push the more “modern” methods, whether it was socialist collectives in the USSR, big agricultural corporations in the US, or sprawling banana plantations in the Third World.

Traditional lifestyles of many East African natives were nomadic, involving slash-and-burn agriculture in complicated jungle terrain according to a bewildering variety of ad-hoc rules. Modern scientific rationalists in African governments (both colonial and independent) came up with a better idea – resettlement of the natives into villages, where they could have modern amenities like schools, wells, electricity, and evenly-spaced rectangular grids. Yet for some reason, these villages kept failing: their crops died, their economies collapsed, and their native inhabitants disappeared back into the jungle. And again, for some reason the African governments kept trying to bring the natives back and make them stay, even if they had to blur the lines between villages and concentration camps to make it work.

Why did all of these schemes fail? And more importantly, why were they celebrated, rewarded, and continued, even when the fact of their failure became too obvious to ignore? Scott gives a two part answer.

The first part of the story is High Modernism, an aesthetic taste masquerading as a scientific philosophy. The High Modernists claimed to be about figuring out the most efficient and high-tech way of doing things, but most of them knew little relevant math or science and were basically just LARPing being rational by placing things in evenly-spaced rectangular grids.

But the High Modernists were pawns in service of a deeper motive: the centralized state wanted the world to be “legible”, ie arranged in a way that made it easy to monitor and control. An intact forest might be more productive than an evenly-spaced rectangular grid of Norway spruce, but it was harder to legislate rules for, or assess taxes on.

The state promoted the High Modernists’ platitudes about The Greater Good as cover, in order to implement the totalitarian schemes they wanted to implement anyway. The resulting experiments were usually failures by the humanitarian goals of the Modernists, but resounding successes by the command-and-control goals of the state. And so we gradually transitioned from systems that were messy but full of fine-tuned hidden order, to ones that were barely-functional but really easy to tax."

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2017-12-28 23:41 (saite)
Cilvēki "atceļ" (vai, precīzāk, pārveido un pielāgo pēc savām vajadzībām) apkārtējo dabu visu savas pastāvēšanas laiku, ar agronomiju, inženieriju, medicīnu, utt., utjpr. H+ kā human augmentation tādā izpratnē nav nekas vairāk, kā tās pašas pieejas piemērošana paša cilvēka organismam un tā eksistences veidiem.

Būtībā vienīgais daudzmaz ievērības cienīgais moments te ir tas, ka tiek sperts (samērā izplūdis, kur runa ir par klīnisko gerontoloģiju, krioniku u.c.) solis no bojāta organisma labošanas (kas ir standarta medicīnas kompetencē) uz vesela organisma pārbūvēšanu un uzlabošanu.

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2017-12-29 01:09 (saite)
Jautājums - cik tālu. Ir neskaitāmas evidences gadu tūkstošos, arī no salīdzinoši nesenā tehnoloģiskā izrāviena laika, ka dabas atcelšanā vai pārveidē, vai pielāgošanā "racionalitātei" (it kā daba pati nebūtu racionāla) tomēr jāapzinās, cik tālu var iet, lai lietas gluži vienkārši strādātu. Pie noteiktas temperatūras cilvēka āda sāk lobīties nost, pie noteikta radiācijas daudzuma organisms vairs nespēj funkcionēt utml. Robežas i r. Costs & benefits.

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2017-12-29 01:27 (saite)
Tieši tur arī parādās H+ specifiskā niša. Ja nevar atcelt vai pietiekami tālu pārcelt robežas, tad ir jāmēģina pārbūvēt pašu organismu tā eksistencei pirms tam nepiemērotos dabas un konfigurāciju telpas reģionos, ārpus šīm robežām (ļoti vienkāršoti – tas, kas kaitē cilvēka ādai, nekaitē apvalkam no specializētiem sakausējumiem). Evolūcija maksimizē tikai doto alēļu proporciju populācijā laika gaitā, līdz ar to par optimizāciju pēc citiem parametriem mums nāksies parūpēties pašiem.

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