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@ 2013-10-24 18:52:00

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"37% of Americans have saved so little for retirement that they expect to work into their 80s or even until they either get too sick or die, according to a recent survey."

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2013-10-24 20:34 (saite)
When something becomes a norm?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2013-10-24 21:25 (saite)
Var arī uzskatīt, ka tā ir, lielā mērā, viņu pašu vaina. Nepērc McMansion, jaunākos gadžetus u.c. "vidusškiras" aksesuārus. Rent a room. If you rent an apartment, get a room mate. Turn down the thermostat. Wear layered clothes. Live close to where you work. This way you don’t need money and time to maintain a car. Walk unless you live more than two miles away. If you live more than two miles away, get a used bicycle and learn how to maintain it. Save & invest. Vidēji 15 gadu laikā iespējams iekrāt pietiekoši vecumdienām.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2013-10-24 21:47 (saite)
And what percentage of Latvians, I wonder..

You might be right about the yanks, but, you know - it aint easy to save on not-too generous salaries (u know outside of the financial sector) with a few kids (not even talking about the weight of bank-bubble blown mortgages). A little love and understanding from the professional-without-kids brigade for the toiling masses wouldn't go amiss now and again, even if some of us/them might be dipshits.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2013-10-24 22:06 (saite)
Yeah, Latvians, Bulgarians et al. are a different story.

I basically mean upper middle class here.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2013-10-24 22:13 (saite)
Still, the same general rule applies. You need 25x times your annual expenses to retire.

It doesn't matter if you spend 12k or 45k per year. What matters is your savings rate.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2013-10-24 22:24 (saite)
Ok, var tā uzskatīt. Bet kā ar conditions of possibility tādām iniciatīvām? Divi punkti uzreiz nāk prātā. Pirmais, statistikai ir vēsture, šajā gadījumā, iespējams, pat ļoti nesena. + Te Hārvijs tam iezīmē plašāku ekonomisko kontekstu (varbūt, tas nav tieši lekcijas temats kā tāds). Otrais, runājot par "vidusšķiras aksesuāriem" individuālā/subjektivitāšu līmenī, varam atsaukties uz noteiktu habitus, vai arī valdošu vidusšķiras ethos, kā nozīmi sabiedrības funkcionēšanā, tajā skaitā politekonomiskā, nevar pārvērtēt.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2013-10-25 15:05 (saite)
Protams, viņi tika maldināti un mudināti uz patēriņu. Bet kā cilvēki kļūst pārtikuši (affluent)? Most people have it all wrong. It is seldom luck, inheritance or advanced degrees. It's mostly lifestyle choices & self-discipline. Kādam tipam visbiežāk atbilst finansiāli neatkarīgs cilvēks? Tie, vairākumā gadījumu, nav cilvēki, kas uzņēmās lielu entrepreneurial risku, bet agri izvēlējās ievērot finansiālu disciplīnu. On average, the typical millionaire saves and invests 20 percent of their income, versus the average American savings of less than five percent. They are debt-free and have no mortgage. Excessive income is neither necessary or sufficient.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2013-10-25 15:08 (saite)
"Two people with the same income, similar positions in life, living literally next door to each other could differ to this extent: the first could be three paychecks from losing the house and the other could be financially self-sufficient enough to live 10 years or more without any additional income. The difference between the two is their spending and saving habits."

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