Road music; 1967 Chevrolet Impala |
[Nov. 14th, 2013|04:31 pm] |
 Pati savām vajadzībām savācu klasiskā roka, vecās skolas roka, tradicionālā blūza u. tml. izlasi, pamatā balstoties uz mūziku, ko patērē Vinčesteru brāļi.
atrodams šeit: izmērs: 814.1 MB kvalitāte dažāda ( dziesmu saraksts (kopā 123) ) |
Mark Knopfler "Privateering" |
[Sep. 2nd, 2012|11:23 am] |

Artist: Mark Knopfler Title Of Album: Privateering Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Mercury Genre: Rock, Blues, Country Quality: MP3 Bitrate: 320kbps Total Time: 01:29:57 Total Size: 201 MB
nospert šeit |
Manic Street Preachers - Live at Positivus Festival '12, Salacgriva, Latvia |
[Jul. 23rd, 2012|10:42 pm] |
Manic Street Preachers Live at Positivus Festival '12, Salacgriva, Latvia

21st July, 2012
00 - Interview with Nicky Wire by Toms Grevins 01 - Motorcycle Emptiness 02 - Your Love Alone Is Not Enough 03 - Ocean Spray 04 - (It's Not War) Just The End Of Love 05 - The Everlasting 06 - Everything Must Go 07 - Found That Soul 08 - Suicide is Painless 09 - You Stole the Sun From My Heart 10 - Revol 11 - You Love Us 12 - The Masses Against The Classes 13 - Design for Life 14 - Some Kind of Nothingness 15 - Slash 'n burn 16 - Tsunami 17 - Motown Junk 18 - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
Ripped form Radio 101, aired on 22nd July, 2012
Photos: Mārtiņš Otto, TVNET
Positivus Festival - Radio 101 - TVNET -
Brīvību Latvijai!
Download: |
Spartacus: Blood and Sand OST (2010) |
[Mar. 6th, 2012|03:34 pm] |

Es reāli nesaprotu, kāpēc novilku šo tikai tagad
01. Six Against One
95 MB, VBR 2
Lacuna Coil - Dark Adrenaline (2012) |
[Jan. 22nd, 2012|11:05 am] |

Pirmās dziesmas skipot un būs normz (iesaku randomu, subjektīvi ;)
Interesants Losing My Religion (R.E.M.) kavers
88 MB, VBR 0 |
Guapo |
[Jul. 14th, 2011|12:35 pm] |

Šos vīrus arī, liekas, maz kas zina, bet ir labais - tāds kreptīgs, dramatisks, pārsvarā instrumentāls (!) avangard/džez/noiz/post/psih/prog/utml.-roks pāri kategoriju robežām. Drusku līdzīgs šiem, tikai smagāks. Ja patīk, arī pārējās plates ir ņemamas. Lieku savu favorītuo:
Five Suns (2003, CBR 192 kbps)
Izvilkums |
Civil Twilight - Civil Twilight (2010) |
[Apr. 6th, 2011|03:31 pm] |
The Strokes "Angles" [2011] |
[Apr. 6th, 2011|09:50 am] |
The Kills - Blood Pressures |
[Apr. 5th, 2034|03:47 pm] |
Oranžās brīvdienas |
[Mar. 17th, 2011|09:48 am] |
OB 11 gadu jubilejā sev un citiem dāvina dziesmu izlasi
Latviešu turbofolka grupa „Oranžās brīvdienas” 11 gadu jubilejā klausītājiem dāvā dziesmu izlasi „Evribadī Tancevaķ”.
Izlasē apkopotas dziesmas, kas ierakstītas dažādās vietās un laikos 5 gadu garumā.
„Cilvēki ik pa laikam meklē mūsu dziesmas. Nu tās vienkārši var lejuplādēt katrs savā datorā, turklāt bez maksas. Ar šo izlasi savā veidā noslēdzam vienu radošo posmu un laižamies nākamajā. Jau vasaras beigās vai rudenī plānojam izdod jaunu albūmu,” tā grupas dibinātājs, dziedātājs un gandrīz visu dziesmu autors Speiss jeb Ints Ķergalvis.
Izlasē iekļautas arī vairāki jauni ieraksti. OB aktīvākie atbalstītāji šīs dziesmas būs dzirdējuši koncertos, taču, piemēram, dziesma „Uzblīduši kaklasaitēs” ārpus grupas dalībnieku loka ieraksta versijā izskan pirmo reizi. „Evribadī Tancevaķ” var lejuplādēt grupas mājaslapā (
Šobrīd OB aktīvi strādā pie jaunu dziesmu ierasta studijā Valmierā. Daļēji pabeigtas jau astoņas kompozīcijas, no kurām daļu grupa plāno atskaņot tikai pēc paša albūma iznākšanas.
Savukārt jau sestdien, 19. martā OB jubileju atzīmēs „Dirty Deal Cafe”, Maskavas ielā 12. Vienlaikus tur notiks arī kafejnīcas „Leningrad” 3 gadu jubilejas svinības. Līdz ar to jau tradicionāli pasākuma nosaukums ir „Ļeņingradas brīvdienas”. Koncertā bez jubilāriem piedalīsies arī grupas PND, „Satellites LV”, „Osiris Drinks Whiskey”, „Rock vs Drugs”, „Tolmunud Mesipuu” no Igaunijas, „Da’Ba” un „The Famous Radio Grouse Leningrad”, kā arī dueti Ulda un Inta regšlāgska grupa un Čipsis un Dullais. Balle, kā jau tas pienākas, vismaz līdz nākamajam rītam. Sākums plkst. 20.00. Vairāk info, sarunas par par končiem ū tē tē te:
Ints Ķergalvis (Speiss) – 29800239
Lai labi skan! Ā, jā, nav, ko kautrēties, ja patīk, ta tik pado talāk draugiem, radiem, paziņām! |
PJ Harvey - Let England Shake [2011] |
[Feb. 16th, 2011|01:16 pm] |
 PJ Harvey - Let England Shake | 53MB
On Let England Shake, Harvey is not often upfront or forceful; her lyrics, though, are as disturbing as ever. Here, she paints vivid portraits of war, and her sharp focus on the up-close, hand-to-hand devastation of World War I - depicting "soldiers falling like lumps of meat" - provides a fitting setting for today's battlegrounds. / |
Devotchka - 100 Lovers |
[Jan. 30th, 2011|08:44 pm] |

Megaupload | Yandex (VBR V0)
Neesmu ne indī, ne tādu vokālu fauns, bet šie vīri (un sieva) vienmēr paņem ar interesanto instrumentalizāciju |
Synoptix / Tesla |
[Dec. 20th, 2010|11:56 pm] |
Synoptix / Tesla
 Жанр: Beatboxing, Funk, Jazz, D`n`b, Rock, Experimental
Страна: РФ
Год издания: 2010
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 48:00
Источник (релизер): CD
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
01 Intro
02 Walkman
03 Radio (ft. Sergey Karmanov)
04 White Monkey (Beavis & Butt-Head)
05 Reptile
06 Road
07 Sax Story (ft.Sergey Karmanov, Dj Xolkin)
08 Tesla (ft. Sergey Karmanov)
09 Mango (ft. Sergey Karmanov)
10 Boom (ft. Sergey Karmanov, Dj Xolkin, Dj Wide)
11 Safari
12 Ruins (Theme by Mark Snow) |
N*E*R*D- Nothing (2010) |
[Oct. 25th, 2010|10:38 pm] |
On September 30, 2010, in a interview with Mark Hoppus on A Different Spin with Mark Hoppus, Pharrell explained the album cover as "a mix of so many things. The feathers represent the peace, and the helmet represents the war. It's like where we are right now. There's a lot of war, that people can't necessarily explain. The economy sucks, girls are still beautiful. We wanted to make music that reflected that. So people can look back twenty years from now, and say 'this is what was going on'."

One Day As A Lion - One Day As A Lion |
[Oct. 16th, 2010|02:06 am] |
- "Wild International</a>" - 3:47
- "Ocean View" - 4:07
- "Last Letter" - 3:58
- "If You Fear Dying" - 3:57
- "One Day as a Lion" - 4:25
Hackamore Brick "One Kiss Leads to Another" [1971] |
[Oct. 6th, 2010|01:49 pm] |
 "Unsung Brooklyn band who released one album, One Kiss Leads To Another, on the Kama Sutra label in 1971 before vanishing into obscurity and cut-out bins everywhere. The album has become something of a cult classic, often being compared to 3rd album-era Velvet Underground, Jonathan Richman/Modern Lovers, and other crucial acts on the lighter end of the proto-punk spectrum.", tā LastFm no failiem. lv
Mērnieku Laiki (1985) |
[Sep. 27th, 2010|10:40 pm] |
[ | music |
| | Mērnieku Laiki - Sirdī dzelts | ] | Mērnieku Laiki (1985)

01. Malni muni kumeleiņi 02.. Vēlos’ mājās 03. Ak, dzimtene 04. Man māmiņa noaudusi 05. Sirdī dzelts 06. Atgriešanās 07. Māte saule 08. Saule teica man 09. Dūnja 10. Birst ābelei 11. Vakars nāce vāverīte 12. Atdzimšana 13. Vasaras 'blues' 14. Tā vaj'dzēja
Kanadas latviešu trimdas grupa: Andrejs Vītols, Andris Ortmanis, Jānis Mateus, Juris Zilkalns, Mārtiņš Ozoliņš. Iespējams, no Monreālas. Albums izdots kasetē.
Eels - Tomorrow Morning (2010) |
[Sep. 17th, 2010|06:01 pm] |
Tomorrow Morning is a 2010 studio album by Eels - the third in a trilogy of concept albums including Hombre Lobo (2009) and End Times (2010).

Grinderman - Grinderman 2 [2010] |
[Sep. 17th, 2010|03:04 pm] |

Repo Men Soundtrack (2010) |
[Jul. 29th, 2010|10:27 am] |
Soundtrack: Repo Men Release: 19/03/2010
Tracklist: 01. Sway – Rosemary Clooney 02. Release Yo’ Delf (Prodigy Remix) – Method Man 03. 54-46 Was My Number – Toots & The Maytals 04. Every Day Will Be Like a Holiday – William Bell 05. Feeling Good – Nina Simone 06. Sing It Back – Moloko 07. Nausea – Beck 08. Burn My Shadow – UNKLE 09. Love Lives – Dave Stewart 10. Every Day Will Be Like a Holiday – RZA 11. Dream a Little Dream of Me – The Mamas And The Papas 12. Repo Mambo – Marco Beltrami |
Her Majesty, The Decemberists |
[Jul. 14th, 2010|12:48 pm] |
Man personīgi tuvākais leģendāri izteiksmīgās indie/folk grupas The Decemberists albums.
 Oh ladies, pleasant and demure Sallow-cheeked and sure I can see your undies Bet ieskatam viņu populārākā dziesma dzīvajā no cita albuma: |
Portugal. The Man - American Ghetto |
[Jul. 6th, 2010|01:45 pm] |
Amerikāņu grupas "Portugal. The Man" šī gada izlaidums American Ghetto ir jau sestais albums, neskatoties uz to, ka pastāv tik kopš 2004. gada. Vispār šī grupa man ir jaunatklājums, bet patīkams (par to paldies agrietai) saka, ka viņi spēlē experimental, indie, indie rock, progressive, rock.
nu kaut kā tā arī ir
Colosseum - Valentine Suite (35:27, 192) |
[Jul. 1st, 2010|05:18 pm] |
vienīgais iemesls, kādēļ es pievērsu uzmanību 1960`to gadu nogales britu grupai "Colosseum" ir Fatboy Slim, kurš savā gabalā "Ya Mama" bija iesamplējis un pa 4 bītiem minūtē padarījies ātrāku sūro ģitārsamplu no "Colosseum" gabala " The Kettle". tas sampls ir tik mežonīgs, ka es sakačāju šo to vēl no paša "Colosseum". citi viņu darinājumi ir krietni mierīgāki. wikipēdijā viņi nodēvēti par jazz-rock band, bet es vairāk sliecos uz Godmaņa mīļāko apzīmējumu - ārtroks. citi gabali, manuprāt, ir ļoti laba fona mūzika, kad krāmē māju vai guli dīvānā un ēd riekstus.
Rascal Flatts - Best Of Ballads |
[Jun. 20th, 2010|07:03 pm] |
Šo mūziku es reiz ieguvu nejauši, nokačājot kādu random torrentu. Un tas izrādījās drusku smieklīgs, čīzīgs, taču sirsnīgs kantrī-pop-roks. Kāda meitene komentēja, ka vokālists esot Meraija Kerija - vīrietis. Jā, dziedamā balss viņam ir profesionāla ar nazālu Teksasas piesitienu. Lai gan agrāk neko tādu pa īstam netiku klausījies, šie iepatikās ar savām skaistajām harmonijām un neuzspēlētību/kruto džeku netēlošanu. Šai diskā apkopotas labākās balādes. Diezgan kruta klausīties, vadot auto :).
Hole - Nobody's Daughter (2010) |
[Apr. 22nd, 2010|12:15 am] |
Nobody’s Daughter is the first album by Hole in more than a decade (since 1998’s three-time Grammy-nominated Celebrity Skin).
Meat Loaf - Hang Cool Teddy Bear (2010) |
[Apr. 19th, 2010|08:55 pm] |
Nezinu gan, vai kādu tas interesē, bet viltīgajam zaķim šodien jauns albūmiņš

Hang Cool Teddy Bear is a concept record that tells the story of a soldier who thinks he’s dying but instead of seeing his life flash before him, he sees his life flash forward.
Nu un gan jau vēl viskur citur |
Primus 1998 - Rhinoplasty |
[Mar. 29th, 2010|01:42 pm] |
 American Funk metal/Rock
Coheed And Cambria - Second Stage Turbine Blade |
[Mar. 24th, 2010|02:25 pm] |
Aurora - Aurora |
[Mar. 9th, 2010|11:20 pm] |
Viena no daudzajām grupām ar nosaukumu Aurora. Šī ir no Sietlas. Tāds kā emocionāls indī roks, kam īpašo kvalitāti dod divas tiešām spēcīgas balsis - puika un meitene. Nu, tipa, māk dziedāt ;). Visskaistākā dziesma laikam ir Carousel, kurā šie abi dialogā tēlo jauniešus, kas satiekas sniegotā dienā ostā. Un viņu saruna ir nemoderni bruņnieciski romantiska, uzrunājot vienam otru ar tādām frāzēm, kā pardon me, sir un excuse me, miss.
Autour de Lucie - Faux Mouvement (2000) |
[Jan. 18th, 2010|09:12 am] |
Autour De Lucie - Immobile (1997) |
[Jan. 17th, 2010|12:16 pm] |
OK Go - Of the Blue Colour of the Sky (2010) |
[Jan. 14th, 2010|01:40 am] |
Of the Blue Colour of the Sky is the third studio album by American rock band OK Go. It was released on January 12, 2010 on Capitol Records. The album's name, lyrics, are based on The Influence of the Blue Ray of the Sunlight and of the Blue Colour of the Sky, an 1876 book by Augustus James Pleasonton. Its style was noted as a significant departure from the pop rock of their earlier albums.

WTF? / This Too Shall Pass |
Eels - End Times (2010) |
[Dec. 15th, 2009|04:41 pm] |
End Times is the upcoming eighth studio album by American rock band Eels, set to be released on January 19, 2010. The album was self-produced by E and focuses on themes of divorce and aging

Little Bird |
Flight of the Chonchords - I Told You I Was Freaky |
[Nov. 4th, 2009|06:21 pm] |
I Told You I Was Freaky is the second studio album by New Zealand folk parody duo Flight of the Conchords.

Rammstein - Liebe ist für alle da |
[Oct. 12th, 2009|10:52 pm] |
Liebe ist für alle da (German: "Love Is for Everyone") is to be the sixth album by German rock band Rammstein, expected to be released October 16, 2009.
Tokio Hotel - Humanoid (2009) |
[Oct. 11th, 2009|12:22 pm] |
 Bonus Tracks |
Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses |
[Sep. 30th, 2009|11:33 pm] |
[ | music |
| | Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses | ] |

Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses (London, UK) are, to say the very least, a striking sounding ensemble, with their harmoniums, autoharps, violins, violas, pianos, organs and glockenspiels added to a top of the line rhythm section, the band very deliberately adheres to a Faustian melodrama of the angelic, their dark, harrowing visions of some dense hellish musico-psychological dystopia shapeshift frequently before your eyes (ears), and become a very capable and Elizabethan sounding prog-baroque meteorite at the drop of a hat.
( ... tālāk ... ) |
Suck - Time to suck (41:23|78mb) |
[Sep. 30th, 2009|10:35 am] |

1 Aimless Lady [3.12] 2 21st Century Schizoid Man [4.51] 3 Season Of The Witch [10.07] 4 Sin's A Good Man's Brother [3.35] 5 I'll Be Creeping [3.19] 6 The Whip [2.54] 7 Into The Fire [3.18] 8 Elegy [2.58] 9 War Pigs [7.14]
Dark Was The Night / Dark Night of the Soul |
[Sep. 24th, 2009|10:58 pm] |
Dark Was the Night is the twentieth compilation release benefiting the Red Hot Organization, an international charity dedicated to raising funds and awareness for HIV and AIDS. Featuring exclusive recordings by a number of independent artists and production by Aaron and Bryce Dessner of The National.

"THIS DISC" 1. "Knotty Pine" – Dirty Projectors and David Byrne – 2:23 2. "'Cello Song" (Nick Drake) – The Books featuring José González – 3:54 3. "Train Song" (Vashti Bunyan) – Feist and Ben Gibbard – 3:02 4. "Brackett, WI" – Bon Iver – 4:03 5. "Deep Blue Sea" – Grizzly Bear – 3:46 6. "So Far Around the Bend" – The National – 3:43 7. "Tightrope" – Yeasayer – 3:18 8. "Feeling Good" (Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse) – My Brightest Diamond – 3:54 9. "Dark Was the Night" (Blind Willie Johnson) – Kronos Quartet – 3:51 10. "I Was Young When I Left Home" (Bob Dylan) – Antony with Bryce Dessner – 4:55 11. "Big Red Machine" – Justin Vernon and Aaron Dessner – 4:39 12. "Sleepless" – The Decemberists – 7:54 13. "Die" – Iron & Wine – 1:07 14. "Service Bell" – Grizzly Bear and Feist – 2:23 15. "You Are the Blood" (Castanets) – Sufjan Stevens – 10:14 "THAT DISC" 1. "Well-Alright" – Spoon – 2:46 2. "Lenin" – Arcade Fire – 4:06 3. "Mimizan" – Beirut – 2:43 4. "El Caporal" – My Morning Jacket – 3:33 5. "Inspiration Information" (Shuggie Otis) – Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings – 4:06 6. "With a Girl Like You" (The Troggs) – Dave Sitek – 3:27 7. "Blood Pt. 2" (Castanets) – Buck 65 Remix (featuring Sufjan Stevens & Serengeti) – 3:36 8. "Hey, Snow White" (Destroyer) – The New Pornographers – 4:26 9. "Gentle Hour" (Peter Gutteridge) – Yo La Tengo – 5:31 10. "Another Saturday" – Stuart Murdoch – 2:56 11. "Happiness" – Riceboy Sleeps (Jónsi & Alex) – 8:37 12. "Amazing Grace" – Cat Power and Dirty Delta Blues – 3:34 13. "The Giant of Illinois" (The Handsome Family) – Andrew Bird – 4:45 14. "Lua" (Bright Eyes) – Conor Oberst & Gillian Welch – 5:54 15. "When the Road Runs Out" – Blonde Redhead & Devastations – 3:28 16. "Love vs. Porn" – Kevin Drew – 3:57
Dark Night of the Soul is an album written by Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse. It features a wide range of singers including James Mercer of The Shins, The Flaming Lips, Gruff Rhys of Super Furry Animals, Jason Lytle of Grandaddy, Julian Casablancas of The Strokes, Frank Black of the Pixies, Iggy Pop, Nina Persson of The Cardigans, Suzanne Vega, Vic Chesnutt, David Lynch, and Scott Spillane of Neutral Milk Hotel and The Gerbils; these singers also had a hand in composing and producing the work.
 1. "Revenge" (featuring The Flaming Lips) – 4:52 2. "Just War" (featuring Gruff Rhys) – 3:44 3. "Jaykub" (featuring Jason Lytle) – 3:52 4. "Little Girl" (featuring Julian Casablancas) – 4:33 5. "Angel's Harp" (featuring Black Francis) – 2:57 6. "Pain" (featuring Iggy Pop) – 2:49 7. "Star Eyes (I Can't Catch It)" (featuring David Lynch) – 3:10 8. "Everytime I'm with You" (featuring Jason Lytle) – 3:09 9. "Insane Lullaby" (featuring James Mercer) – 3:12 10. "Daddy's Gone" (featuring Mark Linkous and Nina Persson) – 3:09 11. "The Man Who Played God" (featuring Suzanne Vega) – 3:09 12. "Grim Augury" (featuring Vic Chesnutt) – 2:32 13. "Dark Night of the Soul" (featuring David Lynch) – 4:38
[Sep. 24th, 2009|06:32 pm] |
UUVVWWZ (read double U double V double W Z) is a four person band from Lincoln, NE. "People compared us to musicians and bands we had to look up (Dog Faced Hermans, Lydia Lunch, The Pop Group) and some that were familiar (Deerhoof, Captain Beefheart, Bow Wow Wow), they dubbed us Avant-Rock and Blues. One man unintentionally called us Power-Jazz after we interrupted his silent contemplation outside of a coffee shop."

1. Berry Can 2. Shark Suit 3. Japdad 4. Neolano 5. Castle 6. Green Starred Sleeve 7. Trapezeus 8. The Sun 9. Hum Jam |
The Baseballs - Strike |
[Aug. 19th, 2009|01:53 am] |
 The Baseballs is a German Rock&Roll / Rockabilly coverband, famous for covering populair songs from recent years. They transform pop songs in “50’s and 60’s Rock&Roll” songs.
Tracklist: 01 - Umbrella 02 - Love In This Club 03 - Hey There Delilah 04 - Bleeding Love 05 - Hot 'n' Cold 06 - I Don't Feel Like Dancin' 07 - Don't Cha 08 - Let's Get Loud 09 - Angels 10 - Crazy In Love 11 - This Love 12 - The Look |
Silversun Pickups - Swoon (2009) |
[Jun. 8th, 2009|09:58 am] |
The Veils - The Runaway Found (2004) |
[Jun. 7th, 2009|01:45 am] |