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In Memoriam Andrea Nebel (1969–2021) [Oct. 18th, 2021|11:22 am]

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Pagājušo trešdien Norvēģijā ar loku un bultām bruņojies musulmanis izdzēsa noteiktu melomānu aprindās labi pazīstamas un ietekmīgas mākslinieces dzīvību. Aizgājējas piemiņai sastādīju stundu garu viņas mūzikas izlasi ar šķipsniņu no katra soloprojekta, kurā Andrea savulaik izpaudusies. Paldies par interesi!

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Emilie Autumn - Fight Like a Girl (2012) [Jul. 25th, 2012|04:30 pm]

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Gotiskās pasaules madonna atgriežas ar savu trešo pilnmetrāžas albumu. 17 stilistiski diezgan atšķirīgas, bet visā visumā dramatiskas dziesmas. Varbūt meitenēm patiks :)

06. Girls! Girls! Girls!

136 MB, VBR 0

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Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses [Sep. 30th, 2009|11:33 pm]
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[music |Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses]

Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses (London, UK) are, to say the very least, a striking sounding ensemble, with their harmoniums, autoharps, violins, violas, pianos, organs and glockenspiels added to a top of the line rhythm section, the band very deliberately adheres to a Faustian melodrama of the angelic, their dark, harrowing visions of some dense hellish musico-psychological dystopia shapeshift frequently before your eyes (ears), and become a very capable and Elizabethan sounding prog-baroque meteorite at the drop of a hat.

... tālāk ... )
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The Provenance - How Would You Like To Be Spat At [Mar. 12th, 2009|01:46 pm]
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"Since the start in 1996, The Provenances general aim, both musically as well as lyrically, has been to portray the hopelessness, despair and frustration of living in a bleak and gloomy world. This is also where one is able to find the beauty and wonders of reality."

skaists, atmosfeerisks gotiskais metaals. 192kbs.
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Cradle of Filth - Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder (2008) [Oct. 6th, 2008|10:17 am]

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[mood |Devilspeed]
[music |Cradle of Filth]

320 kbps:

(ir dafiga kur citur ar, es zagu ^^)

... tālāk ... )
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The Mediaeval Baebes - The Rose [Sep. 20th, 2007|01:31 pm]

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Etheral-gothic rokgrupas Miranda Sex Garden trakules, kuras savulaik patrieca no mūzikas skolas par sliktu uzvedību, mazliet nomierinājušās uz robežas ar apgarotību savā vēlākajā projektā. Iespējams vislabāk baudāms, iebāžot šņukuru sakritušājās rudens lapās un labsajūtā cieši aizmiedzot acis.

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