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Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses [Sep. 30th, 2009|11:33 pm]
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[music |Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses]

Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses (London, UK) are, to say the very least, a striking sounding ensemble, with their harmoniums, autoharps, violins, violas, pianos, organs and glockenspiels added to a top of the line rhythm section, the band very deliberately adheres to a Faustian melodrama of the angelic, their dark, harrowing visions of some dense hellish musico-psychological dystopia shapeshift frequently before your eyes (ears), and become a very capable and Elizabethan sounding prog-baroque meteorite at the drop of a hat.

Iesakāms, ja patīk: dažādi instrumenti, 70.o romantiskais prog, Toms Veitss, Tims Bērtons, Terijs Prečets, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Devil Doll, Devotchka u.tml. ;)

2005. Perils (320 kbps)

1. Blackening: Crows Templar
2. The Mage
3. Peacock the Heretic
4. Perilous Fathoms
5. Rabbit's Foot
6. Whitening: Foxes Templar
7. Gypsy Funeral: Hark! From the Tombs of Doleful Sound
8. The Pale Staircase
9. Iridescence: Peacock's Tail
10. Asmodius Arise
11. Reddening: Blood of the Pelican
12. The Optician
13. Ouroboros: Phoenix Rising

2007. Manfauna (320 kbps)

1. Manticore
2. Taus
3. Garp Gadriel
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Date:October 1st, 2009 - 12:31 am
"paldies" lūdzu paturēt pie sevis, paldies
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Date:October 1st, 2009 - 08:21 am
bet, piemēram, tas ir viens no rādītājiem, kas man liek kačāt šeit ielikto. Jo vairāk paldies spiedzēju un sajūsmā vaimanātāju, jo lielāka iespēja, ka novilkšu.
Date:October 1st, 2009 - 08:59 pm
jā, šie bezgalvu zirgi ir vienreizēji.