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indie, french, female vocalists, singer-songwriter [Feb. 18th, 2012|04:05 am]
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SoKo - I Thought I Was An Alien (2012) [128 kbps]
“When people ask me what kind of music I do,” says Soko, “I usually tell them - Punk secrets”. Intimate, lo-fi, crazy, sexy, funny, tear-stained, heartbreaking, often all at once.

"The record trades in themes are of love and loss, loneliness and learning, and the vividly detailed lines pair well with SoKo’s gift for conveying emotion via tight phrasing and restraint. She intones a husky rasp through an endearingly crinkled accent — like if Chan Marshall took diction lessons from Björk — with tasteful instrumentation that builds from the guitars up; sometimes up to a rock crescendo, others to a delicately twinkling reverie. It’s the sort of record that has the potential to reach lots of people while also resonating with more guarded, folded-armed listeners"

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Baton Rouge - Fragments d'eux mêmes [Mar. 14th, 2011|12:31 pm]

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[mood |ļoti labs :)]
[music |Baton Rouge]

Lielisks divu franču bliču Daitro un 12XU dalībnieku blakus projekts Baton Rouge.


Youtube Bâton Rouge - Sur un banc
Yotube dzīvais 1
Youtube dzīvais 2

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Nouvelle Vague - Couleurs sur Paris (2010) [Nov. 16th, 2010|11:37 am]

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01 - Voilà les anges (& Cœur de pirate)
02 - L'aventurier (& Helena Noguerra & Louis-Ronan Choisy)
 03 - Week-end à Rome (& Vanessa Paradis)
 04 - P****n p****n (& Camille)
05 - Marcia Baila (& Adrienne Pauly)
06 - Anne cherchait l'amour ( & Julien Doré)
07 - Ophélie (& Yelle)
08 - So Young But So Cold (& Charlie Winston)
09 - Sandy Sandy (& Soko)
10 - Mala Vida (& Olivia Ruiz)
11 - Où veux-tu qu'je r'garde (& Emily Loizeau)
12 - Amoureux solitaires (& Hugh Coltman)
13 - Two People In a Room (& Cocoon)
14 - Sur ma mob (& Mareva Galanter)
15 - Déréglée (& Mélanie Pain)
16 - Je suis déjà parti (& Coralie Clement)
17 - Oublions l'Amérique (Nadeah Miranda)
18 - Les ailes de verre (& Jeanne Cherhal)
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Sugartown Cabaret [Nov. 10th, 2010|01:27 pm]

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[music |Sugartown Cabaret]

Grupa no Francijas pilsētas Caen. Pilsētas no kuras nāk tādas lieliskas grupas kā Amanda Woodward un Aussitot Mort.
Sugartown Cabaret ir divi albumi, ep blā blā blā. Pirmais The First Time I Lost The Road Map (2007) un otrais šī gada (2010) splits kopā ar grupu Adorno no Portugāles.
Kruts, tipisks (?) franču screamo.
Ieskats video Sugartown Cabaret@Medika skvot, Zagreb

LĀDE nr1 The First Time I Lost The Road Map
LĀDE nr2 splits ar Adorno
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Yann Tiersen - Dust Lane (2010) [Oct. 7th, 2010|10:29 am]

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Guillaume Yann Tiersen (born June 23, 1970 in Brest, Brittany, France) is a French musician. He has received classical training at several musical academies, including those in Rennes, Nantes, and Boulogne.  His music is mostly instrumental, decorated with piano, accordion, harpsicord, violin, mandolin, bass, guitar, banjo, melodica, toy piano, typewriter, vibraphone and various rhythm instruments.

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[Feb. 5th, 2010|12:02 am]

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electronic, punk, hiphop, drumnbass, rap, hardcore, french, crossover, original, eclectic

dahuja tagi a vienalga jeedziigi izklausaas.

seko bildei
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Autour de Lucie - Faux Mouvement (2000) [Jan. 18th, 2010|09:12 am]

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Autour De Lucie - Immobile (1997) [Jan. 17th, 2010|12:16 pm]

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Scratch Massive - Time [Dec. 17th, 2008|09:17 pm]
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Uzmanību, izraisa atkarību!
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Justice - A Cross The Universe [Nov. 19th, 2008|03:25 pm]
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viens  div 
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Tellier & Oizo & Sebastian - Steak (OST) [Jul. 18th, 2008|10:21 am]
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[Nov. 9th, 2007|06:05 pm]

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all angels gone - wave.
post-rock no franču zemes.
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emilie simon [Oct. 6th, 2007|09:34 am]

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burviigi, burviigi, buuuuuuuuurviiigi...laikam pienācis laiks padalīties ar tiem kas vēl viņu nezin!

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Teenage Bad Girl - Cocotte [Sep. 24th, 2007|11:18 am]
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[music |teenage Bad Girl - Aviateur]

1 un 2

electro, electronic, french, idm

[upd] salaboju, zem 2 links uz otru arhiivu
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