Regate Sakē ([info]vtk) rakstīja,
@ 2006-05-10 19:11:00

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I'm not around YOU
And I'll never get into your heart
Though I don't even want to start
I'll never get into your heart
I'm just happy to hang around
Happy to hang around
Happy to hang around
Take a picture of me
And show it to everyone
And no more pictures of you
No more love, no more setting sun
Now people get down, people get down, people get hurt
And when you did it to me
I was already in the dirt

And I'll never get into your heart
Though I don't even want to start

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2006-05-10 20:18 (saite)
šķiet, ka periodiski es šo saistu ar realitāti pavisam citādi nekā agrāk - lai nu kā, tā patiešām ir ļoti laba dziesma!

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2006-05-10 20:46 (saite)
...jā...viena dziesma, dažādiem cilvēkiem...dažādām realitātēm...

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