mama drama ([info]virginia_rabbit) rakstīja,
@ 2024-08-03 08:21:00

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no Teen Vogue:

"flashy international event can seem like a glaring example of sportswashing, or using sports as a way to distract from unethical conduct. Host cities have repeatedly faced accusations of gentrification, increased militarization, and forced displacement as land was cleared to build Olympics facilities — and Paris is no exception."

"I think part of the reason is this idea of nationalism, and not necessarily wanting to root on our country"

"they follow dancers and influencers they love to watch on their highlight reels. Instead of a platform of programmed events, such as the Olympics, they are more likely to watch content that comes across their curated feeds."

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2024-08-03 14:10 (saite)
Es to “no Teen Vogue” arī izlasīju angliski :)

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