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@ 2021-01-10 21:44:00

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Entry tags:tramps, tviteris

Švarcenegers par Trampu: šis mazsvarīgais prezidents tiks aizmirsts ātrāk par tvitera ierakstu

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2021-01-10 22:27 (saite)
Tiešām narkojas, jeb jokojies te?

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2021-01-10 22:39 (saite)
Schwarzenegger’s friend Tommy Chong confirmed that the sports icon used to smoke cannabis, "I would work out with Arnold Schwarzenegger when he first came over to America. When he was the golden boy of bodybuilding, and he was probably one of the healthiest guys on the planet… but he would smoke a joint because he knew it was healthy." Schwarzenegger himself later confirmed this when he revealed that he really smoked a joint in “Pumping Iron”, "I did smoke a joint and I did inhale. The bottom line is that's what it was in the '70s, that's what I did. I have never touched it since.”

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-01-10 23:06 (saite)
Tātad kautkad jaunībā ir narkojies, nevis tagad. Tagad tikai izrunājās, kas iespējams ir sekas kautkam.

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