mama drama ([info]virginia_rabbit) rakstīja,
@ 2019-03-19 23:35:00

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"es esmu liels. man vairs nevajag pupiņu"
un aizmiga ar rociņā cieši sažmiegtu svētās Taīsijas ikonu pie krūtīm

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2019-03-20 09:05 (saite)
Thaïs is first briefly described as wealthy and beautiful, a courtesan living in the cosmopolitan city of Alexandria. Yet in the eyes of the church she was a public sinner. Thaïs, however, makes inquires about the Christian religion and eventually converts. In her Vita a monk in disguise pays for entry into her chambers in order to challenge her and convert her, yet he finds that she already believes in God, from whom nothing is hidden.

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