+/- ([info]v00d00) rakstīja,
@ 2003-12-11 14:23:00

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Kādam nevajag 2vus ielūgumus uz LNT videomūziks` balvu ?
Ja vajg - 9159605 vai irc://irc.delfi.lv/#cyka msg v00d00 :]

Your soul is worth £14039. For your peace of mind, 64% of people have a purer soul than you.

To es tikko uzzināju no We Want Your Soul

Un vispār. Es espēlēju Spacefed, Hattrick un Nationstates.

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2003-12-30 15:30 (saite)
hettriku te daudzi speelee.

aktiivie blogotaaji/hettrikisti:
[info]krutz [info]sbomzis

neaktiivie blogotaaji/hettrikisti:
[info]capslock [info]losthighway [info]namtar [info]wiseguy

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