under_dark_sky ([info]under_dark_sky) rakstīja,
@ 2015-11-11 22:41:00

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un tomēr es gribu ticēt , ka īsta mīlestība ir un ka arī mani tā piemeklēs, negaidīti un skaisti , un tad es varēšu teikt, līdz mūža galam ....

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2015-11-12 05:07 (saite)
“It was a dream, not a nightmare, a beautiful dream I could never imagine in a thousand nods. There was a girl next to me who wasn't beautiful until she smiled and I felt that smile come at me in heat waves following, soaking through my body and out my finger tips in shafts of color and I knew somewhere in the world, somewhere, that there was love for me.”
― Jim Carroll, The Basketball Diaries

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