### ([info]terrifyer) rakstīja,
@ 2007-09-22 19:17:00

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September 21, 2007 - Friday

A sadness song
Current mood: angry
Category: Writing and Poetry

I see that the sadness takes you
Even if I don't know why
Your eyes fills up with tears
At the moment when you look at me
You scream, when angels silence
You smile when world starts to bonker
You sing your own sadness song
Cuz sadness - is you
Around world is spinning
You turn your blind eye and nod
Nothing is like yesterday
Pink dreams of childhood dies away
You scream when angels becomes confused
You smile when world falls down
You sing your own sadness song
Cuz sadness - you send to all
You scream and angels cry
You smile and world wraps in ignorance
You sing your own sadness song
Cuz you've chosen to silence

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2007-09-22 20:10 (saite)
'This blog is set to private. This user must add
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'mani apčakarēja!

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2007-09-22 20:11 (saite)
P.S. tas tavs ikonkaķis ir vienkāršo apburošs. :D

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2007-09-22 20:29 (saite)
ah crap. sorē par to.

un paldies! :D

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