aituvīrs ([info]sodienliist) rakstīja,
@ 2018-02-23 09:12:00

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Mūzika:The Cure

Brīnišķīga dziesma
Creatures kissing in the rain
Shapeless in the dark again
In the hanging garden
Please don't speak
In the hanging garden
No one sleeps
In the hanging garden
In the hanging garden

Catching haloes on the moon
Gives my hands the shapes of angels
In the heat of the night
The animals scream
In the heat of the night
Walking into a dream . . .

Fall fall fall fall
Into the walls
Jump jump out of time
Fall fall fall fall
Out of the sky
Cover my face as the animals cry
In the hanging garden

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2018-02-23 14:40 (saite)
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