Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2013-02-18 09:28:00

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Dear Arch Zuccheti
I am Sandra Poikane, my main task is to find thresholds over Europe and harmonize them. My special interest lies in thresholds leading to holes and called “windowsills” or rebord de fenêtre.
I would like to inform me that I plan to arrive in Firenze (central Italy) with Treno: ES Italia AV 9519 del 19/02/2011
Partenza: Milano Centrale (Ore: 13.15); Arrivo: Firenze S. M. Novella (Ore: 15.00), Carrozza: 6; Posto: 71 Classe: 2°.
Kind regards

Dear Mrs Pokemon,
Thank you for your mail.
I hear of you about studing effects of big masses of water while flooring wine cellars. I will be glad to meet you at Florence station.
My special job is to catching thresholds of XIV and XV cen.
One of these is Brunelleschi's "fish bones" bricks construction. I though could interest you because of your expertise about lakes.
"Fish bones" brick constructions supports not only a hole but the biggest empty that humanity never saw at that age: the cupole of dome of Florence.
Thanks to me scientist from all the world arrive at Florence and seeing the cupole shout: "Quite a thresholds!"

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2011-02-18 10:41 (saite)
nuja, es paarsmeejos ! :)

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