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Monday, February 18th, 2013

    Time Event
    Dear Arch Zuccheti
    I am Sandra Poikane, my main task is to find thresholds over Europe and harmonize them. My special interest lies in thresholds leading to holes and called “windowsills” or rebord de fenêtre.
    I would like to inform me that I plan to arrive in Firenze (central Italy) with Treno: ES Italia AV 9519 del 19/02/2011
    Partenza: Milano Centrale (Ore: 13.15); Arrivo: Firenze S. M. Novella (Ore: 15.00), Carrozza: 6; Posto: 71 Classe: 2°.
    Kind regards

    Dear Mrs Pokemon,
    Thank you for your mail.
    I hear of you about studing effects of big masses of water while flooring wine cellars. I will be glad to meet you at Florence station.
    My special job is to catching thresholds of XIV and XV cen.
    One of these is Brunelleschi's "fish bones" bricks construction. I though could interest you because of your expertise about lakes.
    "Fish bones" brick constructions supports not only a hole but the biggest empty that humanity never saw at that age: the cupole of dome of Florence.
    Thanks to me scientist from all the world arrive at Florence and seeing the cupole shout: "Quite a thresholds!"
    Also friday night could be ok for your arrival, in case you do different.

    Friday night could be considered but there is a negligible still considerable chance that we will bore each other until death and beyond. As research has shown, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are worried to death and those who are bored to death. Yes, the 3rd class is still missing
    I am close to faint over the sentence: Ecological thresholds where small changes in an environmental driver can trigger major changes in ecosystem should be considered as a key to - key to what ? key to everything !

    in order:

    - When thresholds support big holes in your system they could be called windowsills.
    - Third class: worried to be bored? What you think? Not enough dark?
    - You are in italy: pizza, soole, ammore!
    loti loti jaukas pusdienas ar V, ezera krasta, viins un spada
    un atklasme
    man nemaz nevajg vienu virieti un to izslaveto gimenes - couple dziivi

    man baisi, nu vienkarsi baisi patik but single, gribas stastus, piedzivojumus, viriesus - cik vien daudz var dabut, milas - cik vien daudz var dabut, fucking - cik vIEn daudz var dabut - un visu tada vidusjuras miglaa man dodiet, ar daudz daudz viina un pesto

    no citas dzives es vienkarsi attsakos, amen

    (antonio sasluk, memuaru lasitaji sit plaukstas)
    Gribat redzet manu sarmanto spaanju bosu (pret ko man ta ka slepenas zimpatijas rosijas) un uzzinat par Eiropas udenjiem ?

    Horhe ir zelts zelts zelts, laikam vienigais virietis, kurs lika man drusku atgut ticibu "stiprajam" dzimumam

    PS gadi vinam nav naakusi par labu

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