Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2013-02-03 21:58:00

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1) arch. atkal mani aicina svetdien lanctaima, jau 3. reizi tikai pusdienlaikaa, bet tas nozime ap 12, bet man ir brivs 5dien, 6dien VISS VAKARS, bet man 7dien gribas gulet un pidzamaa dzert kafiju utt, bet man isteniba daudz labaak patik randinjs vakaraa, es vispar tikai vakara esmu pamodusies, un vispar kapec tikai pusdienlaiks ???

2) uzrakstu so visu

3) sajemy atbildi, buus gara, briidinu

I tell you what I do. You know but my life is very dynamic (seems a ski advertisement...ah ah). Could seems I have no time at all.
It is NOT important but when I'm in Monza:

- Friday night: I'm by Alice untill 21/21.30
- Saturday morning: running (important) and different duties (laundry, wash the car, etc.)
- Sat. afternoon:I carry horse riding Margherita (and Alice now). Go once at 14 and back to pick them up at 19/19.30.
- Sat. night: we go somewhere for a pizza, chinese, or by the Mum (she is not chinese!)
I like do something, alone (friend around are boring I prefer clients during the week) or with Margherita (cinema, theatre...), and very often I pick up Andrea at h12/1 out with friends.
- Sunday: I 'm more free. I have not a partner so I like to stay with my kids. We often go for an exhibition, a museum (design museum at triennale milano. My kids are expert in design and art and contemporary arch! They sometimes complains but they know who is Baskiat, Haring, Michele De Lucchi, etc., ah ah ah).

Now I meet my kids every w/e but I could make different.

When we are not in Monza:
Thanks to my parents, my family has a house on the mountain not far at all. Beutifull.
Another little house (both are no flats, little houses) at Isle of Elba (more beutifull) we use from spring to autumn and very often we go there.
It means: On w/e or holydays during the year I pick up 2 or all my kids and we go. We enjoy with my sister family with other 2 kids and we make real mess. Real mess for the japanese in me.
We enjoy food, wine, to have a walk, read, discuss, sking or water sports all day etc.....all in max free spirit.
All adults usually work too much so we do not like touristic mess or vacationes with necessity of show with people from Milan understood what I mean.
Also is nice to do w/e around somewhere too and of course I do it.

A possible partner or a close friend of mine has to be ready to spend time with me, alone of course. Also have time to enjoy a little family mess (i told you about Pennac and his romances), to enjoy to know a lot of people: kids, sisters and their companions or husbands, nephwes, parents and their dog, etc. and may be some of their friends. I think being a whole family splashed on the world could be interesting.
I think is very italian. Big famiglia. There are many movies I like about: "la famiglia", "speriamo che sia femmina", "la bellezza del somaro", etc.

Other: I really like to stay on my own, also. I feel perferctly alone I do a lot alone.It is incredible how much intellectual feeling you have in common with me. I avoid too much partecipating one of each other (too much) I think there is a personal sphere wich is only individual. You understood I do not like too much messages, calls, to be always one of each other.....may be I'm not romantic in this common sense.

So dear Sandra, we see. "life is not a desert man is not a camel" says my friend Ken (a totally crazy photographer who give hospitality to my son Andrea in London) may be he is right: we have to drink a lot!

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2011-02-03 23:25 (saite)
es droši vien justos iebiedēta. tā kā kaktiņā nolikta. par daudz vārdu. visi tādi, aiz kuriem ērti paslēpties. ļoti ērti paslēpties. un cik daudz viņš runā par to, cik labi ir būt vienam.

te cibā reiz bija jautājums, kas tevi biedē vairāk - failure vai rejection. es balsotu par otro viņa gadījumā.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2011-02-03 23:34 (saite)
par to vienbusanu - tapec ka es rakstiju, ka patik but vienai, tibi, es neciesu ka esmu viena.
par vestuli - kaa jau teicu, berni, radi, vis happy family, laiks vinam nav !

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2011-02-04 00:00 (saite)
a kā tas iet kopā - neciest būt vienai. un neciest plašu ģimeni un kņadu. tb. būt divatā? un Tu vari piedāvāt viņam no savas puses būt tikai divatā vienmēr, kad viņam iegribēsies un būs brīvs brīdis, vai tas ir tikai viņš, kam ir jāpielāgojas Tavam schedule?
tā vēstule drīzāk izklausās pēc tādas, kurā viņš ir ņēmis vērā kaut kādus Tevis izteiktos sevis un savu interešu aprakstus un "spēlējis" uz tiem, cenšoties iepatikties, nu, ar l'dzīgu dzīves veidu, uztveri. Jo no malas izklausās diezgan pēc Tevis. Tāpat dara daudz lietas vienatnē (tavā gadījumā: Antonio, darbs, policijas apmeklējums u.tml.) un tad pavada laiku galvu reibinošās kompānijās visādās aktivitātēs (Tavā gadījumā: ceļojumi, ārsti, bērni un viņas daudzenes). es redzu paralēles.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2011-02-04 00:13 (saite)
neciest but vienai taadaa noziimee, ka man patik but vienai, bet nu iznemot 5dienas, 6dienas vakarus
vispaar iisti nesapratu kur ir doma sai komentaa, varbuurt paaraak veels

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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