Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2013-01-20 14:27:00

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Jesus Maria

vestule no kukainju peetnieka

Hello Sandra,
I hope you are well, I noticed you are permanently on line during the day...
What you told me yesterday (..that you have a daughter) was quite surprising, since when i contacted you, as far as I can remember, you did not mention that in your profile.

(jaa, taa ir taisniba, bet pa to laiku I changed my mind, respektivi uzlaboju savu gimenes stavokli)

Anyway the point is: you are the most attractive woman i have ever met, not only because of your face, but, above all, because of the brilliant conversation we had, I feel very well when I "stay" with you and, even if my main goal was to find a woman with whom to create a family, I am now thinking if I should change my goals...

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2011-01-20 15:47 (saite)
Kukaiņu pētnieks! Tas ir labāk, nekā pulmonologs, pulmonologs visu laiku darbā blenzīs uz svešiem pupiem, kamēr entomologs - tikai uz blusiņām :)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2011-01-20 15:49 (saite)
tak siikaak noskaidrojaas, ka vins ir dermatologs un geriatrs :)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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