Satieku Vendiju, viņa prasa, kas ir building delegate, viņai problēma, nu, nezinu, bet iedziļinos, kas par problēmu, domāju, vismaz nav elektrības, krēsls zaudējis līdzsvaru vai regulāri dūmo kontakti. Nē, izrādās, ka ŠAD UN TAD dāmu tualetē kāds atstāj iespiestu ūdens pogu un ūdens turpina tecēt. Nu, teicu, uzraksti mailu visām ēkas lēdijām, tas nv grūti, var atrast adreses. Vendija tā darīja:
It’s so sad finding the toilet flushing continuously liters of water ! So please, in case you haven’t noticed yet, the flushing system of the new ladies’ toilet upstairs needs to be STOPPED also after you have activated it. Please, you are all aware now and push the STOP button the next time until this problem is fixed.
Probably this is a malfunctioning, so I hope the building responsible is also aware now and that he will flag this problem.