Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2011-07-24 19:22:00

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Indian wisdom: kurs ir juusu feivoriits ?
celos 5 lai tiktu uz Pangong ezeru, 6 stundas brauciens, bet kaads !!!
himalaji, iisti himalaji, paareja chang la ar 5.3 km

bet ne par to, sis bija loti burviigs cels arii citaadi - ik pa briidim paraadiijaas plakaats ar kaadu uzrakstu
cik nu speeju piefikseeju, tagad meeginaasu atkeburot no lapinas pierakstiisanas seciibaa

Indian Army Refreshments
Good driver is seldom hurt
Welcome (iebraucot aizaa, kur paari kraajas milzu akmeni)
Drinking and driving is a lethal cocktail
Night double traffic trouble (transkripcija saglabaata)
Indian Army: help us to keep Changtand area litter free
Speed is knife that cuts life
Indian army: drop your litter HERE
Enjoy the beauty of nature
Village ahead Drukak
Always remember god
Lower your gear, my curve is near (seit celotaaju uzrunaa pats Celjs)
Be gentle on my curve (tas pats Celjs, mans favorits)
Driving is risky after whiskey
Alert tomorrow, alive tomorrow
Blow horn on curve
When going gets tough, tough gets going
Use dipper at night (sito nesapratu)
On my curves check your nerves (te Celjs flirtee)
Life is short, dont make it shorter
Toilet for officers and ladies (militaraja zona)
High security zone - please cooperate
Hurry and worry go together
I am curvaceous, be slow
Peep Peep Dont Sleep
Drive like hell, you will be there
Love is sweet poison (tas gan bija uz smagaas masiinas)
Welcome to the beautiful world
Enjoy it but not while on wheel
I love you but not so fast
Ladakh is pride of India
Hospital ceilings are boring (sis man loti patika)
Be Mr Late not Late Mr (sito man vajadzeeja divreiz izlasiit lai izprastu)
India is one

un veel, un veel,,, bet seit tas izskatas pilniigi normaali; kameer esi vienu teicienu sagremojis, paraadaas naakamais

Indian army: Litter collection 1 km BEHIND

nu, kurs jums patika vislabaak ?

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2009-07-24 19:11 (saite)
Be Mr Late not Late Mr

šitais ir foršs, žēl tikai, ka adresētā mērkauditorija (tipa, lauleņi?) parasti nav tie pārgalvīgākie braucēji. Un vēl forši, ka adresēts vīriešiem, nevis sievietēm. viva la feminisms!

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