Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2011-05-15 09:27:00

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es dievinu šo stilu,,, whatever it earns is Lords kindness
Tikēr Tapas nojauš, ka es varētu būt izūtījusi mailus vairākām firmām un, iespējams,saņēmusi lētākus piedāvājumus

In Passing, I must say that it is quite possible that you would have received cheaper offers from our competitors. The travel business is a very strange place. It is similar to a tailors business where you can always cut corners, but, still make a dress . It is a different story in case the size and comfort is not what you were expecting. Similarly, in the travel business, you could sure have a car, but, has the car spent its life and whatever it earns is Lords kindness ? are the guides of any quality, or, would they be living only on tips ? is the hotel room the same what you had bargained for ?

Finally, is the tour operator adequately motivated or is he just booking hotels ? However, to achieve all this the tour operator needs to be inclined towards research, know what his country has to offer and take pleasure in showing his country and country men to visitors.

What I am saying is that it is very much possible to cut corners and still come up with a tour package. It is only a post facto realisation for you that you have been short changed.

I look forward to hearing from you.

As always, with fond wishes

Warm Regards - Tapas

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2009-05-15 13:59 (saite)
Jā, nu laikam tas varētu nozīmēt - nogriezt visu kleitas apakšmalu, iegūstot peldkostīmu ar platu jostu, kuru joprojām var saukt par kleitu. :)

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