Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2011-05-14 14:42:00

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a very nice human being with a pleasing personality
Nevarēdama atrast kompāniju, sāku pētīt iespējas apceļot Indiju vienai.

Tādas iespējas ir. Atliek tikai sameklēt džipu un šoferi. Lūk, šofera apraksts

Besides the car, your driver would be special. He would be your 'Man Friday'. You would of course have local guides conducting your city tours in each city, but, besides that, your driver would be your most invaluable friend. He would not only be knowledgeable about places of interest in between journeys as also in cities, but, he would be a very nice human being with a pleasing personality for whom nothing would be trouble. He would walk with you along villages in the countryside as well as walk along bazaars of the city and point out fine eating places and shopping areas in different towns - a true friend, Ms. Poikane.

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2009-05-15 09:19 (saite)
Izklausās gandrīz pēc precību sludinājuma. :)

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