Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2009-08-06 14:16:00

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pierakstījos Eurosingles un viņi man atbild:

Eurosingles is limited to the staff of European
> Institutions, agencies, permanent representations,
> embassies, Eurocontrol, NATO, other international
> organisations. You MUST prove you are eligible for
> membership. You MUST give us your real name if you
> have a Yahoo profile. >
> ATTENTION, If your email address is within one of
> the allowed Institutions, like
> "", we will validate.

tagad skaidroju faktu, ka lai arī man mails nebeidzas ar bet es tik un tā strādāju Komisijai :)

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2007-08-06 16:24 (saite)
Atslābt un izbaudīt. PilnIgi nopietni.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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