Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2023-03-10 19:13:00

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mums tada stunda x uznakusi : vienaa dienaa + 168 beigti + 529 pozitivie
un tagad jau runa, ka vispar nedrikstes parvietoties un visu slegs

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2020-03-11 20:05 (saite)
Nja, šodienas ziņas:

Italy’s civil protection service said the number of deaths rose to 827 on Wednesday, while the total number of cases in the EU member state that has been by far the hardest hit by the virus rose to 12,462 from 10,149.

Tātad kā reizi gadījumu skaits pieauga par ~2500. :(

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