sirualsirual ([info]sirualsirual) rakstīja,
@ 2018-03-31 15:00:00

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viena lieta, kas šeit ir ieskicēta un kam piekrītu

 "In our daily lives, we (pretend to) desire things which we do not really desire, so that, ultimately, the worst thing that can happen is for us to get what we officially desire. Happiness is thus inherently hypocritical: it is the happiness of dreaming about things we really do not want." 

 jā, jā, zinu, ka krievijai tuvs avots, bet ko lai dara, ka citur žižeku nepublicē

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2018-04-04 22:59 (saite)
hēgelis laikam tālu nesnauž, bet neesmu iedziļinàjies

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