redz, neredz ([info]redz) rakstīja,
@ 2007-07-04 23:54:00

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Mūzika: Easy Star All Stars - Karma Police
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dub dubby dubbitty dub - Radiodread!
Tikko dabūju šo:

Radiodread is a 2006 album by the Easy Star All-Stars, a collaboration of reggae and ska artists. They have released one album previously, Dub Side of the Moon, a reggae take on Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. Radiodread is a complete, song by song makeover of Radiohead's OK Computer into reggae, ska, and dub.

Vajadzēs dabūt arī Dub Side.

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2007-07-08 16:19 (saite)
un kas tev par sho albumu pateica? :)
lai gan..
neemsu pati dzirdejusi, jo Tu jau zini, kādas man ir problēmas ar mūzikas dabūšanu.

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