they won't leave if you don't stop dancing

sooner or later you'll recognize

12/25/07 11:41 pm - music stuff, this year

Man kopā šī gada muzikālās mūzikas ir 11gb. Albumi kopā sanāk 6gb. Pārējais ir visādi VA's, Best Of un OST. Vēl viss jāpabeidz noklausīties. Kaudzēm, kaudzēm!
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12/16/07 02:12 pm - No vilkiem dzimušais

Tu neod pēc ļauža, un ļaudīm ir laba oža.

12/16/07 02:01 pm - mani sapņi biežāk ir parasti. nekāda īpašās lietas. ja nu vienīgi pārsvarā citi realitāte.

Atcerējos, ka es sapnī centos atdziedāt šo dziesmu.

12/14/07 08:13 pm - in other news..

Lūk, šis ir smags Umbrella kavers. Skatos Justice League Unlimited. Vēlāk varbūt noskatīšos I'm Not There. Ēdu krabju nūjiņas. Jānoskatās pāris Pushing Daisies sērijas ar. Ikdienais simtais ieraksts.

12/11/07 07:48 pm - random words dictionary gone

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12/8/07 07:20 pm - '08 mūz

Pitchfork piedāvā daudzas bildes ar mūziķiem
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12/3/07 11:35 pm - E


11/4/07 10:23 pm - Saul Williams pastāsta mesidžu katrai dziesma no jaunā albuma

Black History Month
This song started out as a collaboration between me and Thavius. When we got home from our first tour with Trent, we recorded 8 or 9 songs in about a week. Thave programmed a series of beats that I hand picked and then would take home and write to each night. Two songs from what Thave and I did together, I later introduced to Trent for him to help make sense of. The other is DNA. This song, like most on the album was written in my bedroom. That red faced man in the album art is the painting over my bed. Interestingly, Angelbert (the painter behind all the album art) transported a bunch of paintings to my house in a big cardboard box and instructed me to rip the box apart and use it to group the paintings in batches of 13. When I openned the box I found that man painted on the inside. I can't believe he was gonna have me rip that up. Anyway, back to the song. The openning line "Can u feel it? Nothing can save u?" is a quote from a classic hip hop song by Biz Markee. Any hip hop head would know that instantly. In hip hop culture its a sign of respect to quote or reference another artist or song. That third section/breakdown came about when Trent asked me to add some noises over the beat for some variation. I had been listening to a lot of Parliament/Funkadelic and Talking Heads and felt pretty "experimental" that day as I began layering the beat with slurred words...

... )

11/4/07 02:54 pm - The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!

Ir Saul Williams jaunais albums, kurā viņš galvenokārt sadarbojas ar Trent Reznor no Nine Inch Nails. Iesaku visiem vismaz noklausīties, jo albums tiek piedāvāts bez maksas vai piecus dolārus par augstākas kvalitātes mp3 vai FLAC. Dziesmas man iepatīkās. Uzreiz pamanīju, ka albumā tāda dziesma kā Sunday Bloody Sunday un teikšu kā ir - man jau nu patīk. Nākošā dziesma, kas man iepatīkās bija  NiggyTardust. Tagad ejot pa ielu attopos pie sevis nosakot "When I say "Niggy, you say nothing! Niggeh.. niggeh.." Geto gotiskais miljonārs. Pēc tam WTF! ar savu mūziku un tikai tad ar vokālu. Black History Month ir ar to stomping sound un to, kas man izklausās, ka viņš saka kaut ko par bananaz. Vai arīt iešām saka par banana peels. Un No One Ever Does liekās, ka tūlīt pārvērtīsies Seal - Kiss From A Rose. Patīkami arī tas, ka līdzi nāk .pdf ar bildītēm un dziesmu vārdiem. Jāsaka, ka albums man patīk. Daudz gan neklausīšos, bet ik pa laikam. Un skat - man jauna jūzerpikča - Cat with an eyepatch!

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