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Lēda un gulbis

Posted on 2011.05.21 at 19:00
Doom: Erotisks
Mūza: Espers
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Posted on 2011.05.01 at 05:04
Doom: V
Mūza: Helium Vola
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Daudz laimes maijā

Prinči un princeses

Posted on 2011.04.29 at 13:50
Doom: Kāzas po
Mūza: Electric Wizard
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Princess Yvonne und Prince Alexander. Princess Marianne Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, 1955

Starp citu

Posted on 2011.04.23 at 15:44
Doom: NSFW
Mūza: Sui Generis Umbra
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Priecīgas Lieldienas!

Bilde ar olām )

Juris un Pūķis

Posted on 2011.04.23 at 11:45
Doom: Die
Mūza: Horologium
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Tematisks skaņdarbs: The Death of George


Posted on 2011.04.19 at 11:13
Doom: Chaosmos
Mūza: Zombie Nation
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Bija piemirsies šis burvīgais jēdziens...

The apeiron has generally been understood as a sort of primal chaos. It acts as the substratum supporting opposites such as hot and cold, wet and dry, and directed the movement of things, by which there grew up all of the host of shapes and differences which are found in the world. Out of the vague and limitless body there sprang a central mass — this earth of ours — cylindrical in shape. A sphere of fire surrounded the air around the earth and had originally clung to it like the bark around a tree. When it broke, it created the sun, the moon and the stars. The first animals were generated in the water. When they came to earth they were transmuted by the effect of the sun. The human being sprung from some other animal, which originally was similar to a fish. The blazing orbs, which have drawn off from the cold earth and water, are the temporary gods of the world clustering around the earth, which to the ancient thinker is the central figure. [x]


Posted on 2011.04.10 at 22:10
Doom: 2
Mūza: Staruha Mha
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Posted on 2011.04.10 at 21:43
Doom: 1
Mūza: Vresnit
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Visuma skaņotājs

Posted on 2011.04.07 at 14:13
Doom: Šodien
Mūza: Carla Bruni
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    There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody’s expense but his own. However, nothing dispirits, and nothing seems worth while disputing. He bolts down all events, all creeds, and beliefs, and persuasions, all hard things visible and invisible, never mind how knobby; as an ostrich of potent digestion gobbles down bullets and gun flints. And as for small difficulties and worryings, prospects of sudden disaster, peril of life and limb; all these, and death itself, seem to him only sly, good-natured hits, and jolly punches in the side bestowed by the unseen and unaccountable old joker. That odd sort of wayward mood I am speaking of, comes over a man only in some time of extreme tribulation; it comes in the very midst of his earnestness, so that what just before might have seemed to him a thing most momentous, now seems but a part of the general joke.

      — Herman Melville, Moby Dick

Ja godīgi, “Mobiju Diku” nemaz neesmu lasījis, lai gan grāmata ir (savulaik bija paradums pirkt visu kaut nedaudz interesējošo Pingvīna lata klasiku), bet šis citāts man vienmēr ir paticis un uzjundījis pazīstamus sentimentus (lai gan reti kurš personīgās pieredzes fragments varētu pretendēt uz tik ekstrēmu tribulāciju statusu, kādas ir padomā autoram) - atcerējos, jo pamanīju, ka jānovelk, re, kāds jauns šedevrs/farss (?):

Moby Dick is recreated in a world where Captain Ahab and his crew search for a Great White Dragon.

p.s. vakarā jāmēģina aiziet uz [info]kants vampīrlektoriju [link.]

God Created Man In His Image

Posted on 2011.03.30 at 13:07
Doom: Jāpabiedē
Mūza: Kreuzweg Ost
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Gustave Doré, 1866


Mongolian Death Worm

Posted on 2011.03.29 at 16:47
Doom: Good morning, young prince
Mūza: Life Garden
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1. RT! @veidenbaums

2. Pagalmā (tur, kur beidzas piebraucamais ceļš) izskatās tā, it kā zemē būtu ieracies milzīgs Mongolijas nāves tārps (tas pēc traktorista varoņdarbiem šoziem) - bet šo, kā izrādās, itin leģitīmo mītisko briesmoni es piesaucu tāpēc, ka tas ir tas, ko pēc Trako suņu pievarēšanas (kas beigās tomēr neizrādījās tāds hārdkōrs, kā sākumā nobijos) esmu dabūjis tulkot nākamo (paralēli dienišķajam spiegu seriālam, protams). Izskatās, ka varētu būt jautri.

3. Pirmoreiz šogad biju Meņģeles mežā (pēc malkas nshit), vakar patīkami sāpēja rokas - tomēr neslikti, ka dažās jomās izaugsmi var atkārtot vairākkārtīgi - paaugties, atgriezties un tad atkal paaugties, un nav nekur jādur amokā kā tādai raķetei atvērtā kosmosā ar apšaubāmu galamērķi

92. Urā! un piuds, kas fjoklai dzimšnasdienā:

Not The End

Atpakaļ 11  Uz priekšu 11