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@ 2023-11-17 14:20:00

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The Veda asserts that consciousness is the basis of reality. The majority of modern science, however, tends to assert that consciousness is a phenomena produced by reality.

This is the real difference between the two.

It is relatively very easy to logically prove that the Vedic concept is far superior to the one held by most of modern science:

~ Reality is a perception. It is what we can really touch, see, smell, feel... what can really affect us.
~ Perception is an act of consciousness.
* Therefore consciousness cannot be a product of reality, it must be the basis for reality.

To evade the crushing impact of this logic, one could try to define reality is some counter-intuitive way. But such an argument would lose the significant validity of being intuitively realistic.

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2023-11-17 18:58 (saite)
nu protams, ka radīsies konflikts, ja tu sāksi nepamatoti domāt un apgalvot, ka realitāte ir uztvere utt utml

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