Dzintra čoms ([info]mranarhs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-08-19 11:01:00

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fat shaming
Lūk, šito lietu es tiešām nesaprotu. Ja cilvēks ir (it kā) gudrs, tad kāpēc viņš ir resns?

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2022-08-19 12:37 (saite)

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2022-08-21 10:10 (saite)
Un kur klasiskie Cibas "Tu mani par resnu nosauci?" komentāri?

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2022-08-25 21:28 (saite)
Stress is another potential risk factor that has attracted research attention. People tend to report overeating and “comfort eating” foods that are high in sugar, fat and calories when stressed. And because the stress hormone cortisol plays a role in metabolism and fat storage, there are plausible biological mechanisms behind a possible link between stress and putting on weight.

In research published in Obesity this week we found that chronic stress was consistently linked with people being more heavily, and more persistently, overweight.

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2022-08-26 10:51 (saite)
Ok, bet vai gudrs cilvēks neprot menedžēt stresu? Tad jau viņš tomēr nav īsti gudrs, ne?

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