the lament configurator ([info]morloku_karalis) rakstīja,
@ 2009-07-19 23:48:00

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britu asprāši

lūk, šis kungs no daily mail aģitē par fon Trīra filmas aizliegumu.

it kā jau nekas īpašs, pats nekad neesmu bijis sajūsmā par Larsa daiļradi, tomēr savādi, ka kāds vēl vispār paļaujas uz tādu lietu, kā filmu aizliegšana... nu, respektīvi, ka tāda lieta vispār "ir apritē".

daži autora argumenti jau, protams, ir simtreiz dzirdēti, kaut vai "Zelta kompasa" sakarā.
the best of:

I haven't seen it myself, nor shall I - and I speak as a broad-minded arts critic, strongly libertarian in tendency (citā rakstā viņš aizstāv kreacionismu - m.piez.). But merely reading about Antichrist is stomach-turning, and enough to form a judgment.

It doesn't shock or surprise me in the slightest that Europe now produces such pieces of sick, pretentious trash, fully confirming our jihadist enemies' view of us as a society in the last stages of corruption and decay.

Their job is to take our money and spend it on such fashionable torture porn - sorry, art - not ask us our opinion.

The world of Antichrist, by contrast, is blatantly amoral, without any sense of justice or retribution whatever. Its mingling of sex and violence, the cheapest and nastiest trick in the book, is usually one which the BBFC pounces on in a straight horror film. But here they are blinded by their own cultural snobbery, swallowing the lie that Antichrist is Art.

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2009-07-20 02:25 (saite)
"broad-minded" - aha, nav šaubu.

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