the lament configurator ([info]morloku_karalis) rakstīja,
@ 2014-12-11 12:37:00

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nevar uzcept omleti, nesasitot pāris olas
atziņas no intervijas ar google AI nodaļas veci: "Worryingly, cofounder Shane Legg thinks the team's advances could be what finishes off the human race: "Eventually, I think human extinction will probably occur, and technology will likely play a part in this"."

(saite uz rakstu šeit: tur iekšā ir arī saite uz oriģinālo interviju, bet tajā jautājumi iet, piemēram, šādā formā:


P(negative consequences | badly done AI) = ?
P(extremely negative consequences | badly done AI) = ?

(Where 'negative' = human extinction; 'extremely negative' = humans suffer;)

Shane Legg: Depends a lot on how you define things. If by suffering you mean prolonged suffering, then I think this is quite unlikely.

kas, manuprāt, nav super pārskatāmi).

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par omleti
2014-12-11 15:48 (saite)
"The metaphor was born of blood and has steeped in it ever since. In fact, it is often mistakenly attributed to Joseph Stalin, one of the most prolific mass murderers of the 20th century, as evidence of the callous rationalization of self-deluded dictators. The truth, it turns out, is not far from the fiction, which can be traced back to a 1932 Time Magazine article, in which Stalin's "Right-Hand-Man-Of-The-Moment," Comrade Lazar Kaganovitch, was quoted as saying, "Why wail over broken eggs when we are trying to make an omelette!""

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