04 April 2017 @ 05:14 pm
man arvien biezhaak shkjiet, ka es cilveekiem esmu tuksha vieta, kas kljuust sevishkji tuksha tad kad es no visas savas sirsninjas izturos pret vinjiem jauki un par vinjiem intereseejos. jo jaukaak un sirsniigaak es pret vinjiem izturos, jo vienaldziigaaki vinji kljuust. esmu atkal un atkal paarliecinaajusies, ka daudz nesaapiigaak ir jauki iztureeties pret sveshiniekiem, jo man dziivee nav neviena no tuvajiem cilveekiem, kas noveerteetu manu jaukumu. vienkaarshi shkjiet, jo vairaak laiks aizrit dziivee, jo vienaldziigaaki pret mani kljuust cilveeki. kas ir savaadi un skumji, jo man ir tieshi otraadi, kameer senaak mani paarsvaraa intereseeja tikai mans egoistiskais prata saturs, tagad man tik ljoti gribas cilveekus. es pienjemu, ka cilveekiem ir vienaldziigi mani centieni, un ka vinji vienkaarhsi neveelas ar mani nekaadu sakaru, forshi, total freedom forever. varbuut vinji nenoveertee manu jaukumu, jo vinji domaa, ka es esmu stulbs cilveeks, un jaukums no stulbiem cilveekiem ir stulbs. no matter, es varu vienkaarshi jauki iztureeties pret sevi un inanimate objektiem savaa apkaartnee, vismaz tie mani nevarees atgruust.
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on April 6th, 2017 - 06:36 pm
protams, ka viņi no Tevis negrib ņemt. jo vispirms Tev ir jādod sev pašai, citādāk Tev īstenībā ātri vien nebūs nekā, ko nevienam dot. var jau smieties un teikt, ka tā ir baigā ezotērika, bet, manuprāt, cilvēki jūt, ka Tava potenciālā došana nav ilgtspējīga tieši šī iemesla dēļ, un nevēlas uzņemties šo risku.

jā, protams, kuram gan negribas cēli būt tikai devējam, nekad ne ņēmējam, bet pasaule tā nestrādā, ir vajadzīgs līdzsvars. tad, kad Tu iemācīsies vispirms paņemt pati no sevis, vislabāk - arī no citiem, un, sekojoši, spēsi pilnvērtīgi dot citiem, procesā saglabājot sev nepieciešamos resursus (pat, ja šobrīd neapzinies, ka gribi/riskē pārtērēties), tad arī varēsi ieiet tai apritē, kurā Tu acīmredzami vēlies būt.

tas, ko gribu teikt - cilvēki no Tevis negrib ņemt nevis tāpēc, ka tas, ko Tu spēj dot, nav vērtīgs, bet tieši tāpēc, ka tas ir ĻOTI vērtīgs un vajadzīgs Tev pašai. viņi negrib atņemt maizi pusbadā dzīvojošam cilvēkam.
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[info]methodrone on April 7th, 2017 - 07:50 pm
wow..mosh. bet man gan vienmeer licies, ka kameer es pret sevi izturos kaa pret burzhuju, un dziivoju metaforiskaa zefiiru un briljantu kaudzee, citiem es vienmeer dodu par maz. un mani ir paarnjeemusi taa stadija, ka ir kljuvis garlaiciigi dot tikai sev, fokuseeties tikai uz sevi.

honestly, i feel like i cannot crack this, feels like a condition that i need to accept and learn to live well around it.
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on April 11th, 2017 - 11:20 pm
ierakstīji to jaunāko ierakstu, un tas man atgādināja, ka uz šo komentāru gribēju atbildēt, norādot, ka ne vienmēr tās buržuju lietas ir gana, lai sevi mīlētu, ka "došana" sev var izpausties dažādi, ne tikai sevi lutinot

"The problem with self-love as we currently understand it is in our view of love itself, defined, too simply and too often, as an extraordinary feeling that we respond to with hearts and flowers and fantasy, ritual consumption and affectless passion. Modernity would have us mooning after ourselves like heartsick, slightly creepy teenagers, taking selfies and telling ourselves how special and perfect we are. This is not real self-love, no more than a catcaller loves the woman whose backside he’s loudly admiring in the street.
The harder, duller work of self-care is about the everyday, impossible effort of getting up and getting through your life in a world that would prefer you cowed and compliant. A world whose abusive logic wants you to see no structural problems, but only problems with yourself, or with those more marginalized and vulnerable than you are. Real love, the kind that soothes and lasts, is not a feeling, but a verb, an action. It’s about what you do for another person over the course of days and weeks and years, the work put in to care and cathexis. That’s the kind of love we’re terribly bad at giving ourselves".

ļoti iesaku izlasīt visu rakstu, paldies [info]miegamaasa, kas savulaik FB noaktualizēja

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[info]methodrone on April 12th, 2017 - 07:39 pm
bet that's the issue, man nav probleemu citiem dot love, caring verb stuff love, bet vinjiem to nevajag. un sev es to vien daru kaa dodu caring verb stuff love, staying true to my inner callings and feelings in a world that dismisses them. protams, ka es neuzskatu, ka sev pirkt lietas ir biggest expression of love, more like honouring of the embodiment aspect of existence :)

it feels like i've done all, tried all, but at the end of the day, noone needs my love, so the only person that stays for me to continue to give love to is myself. and although it could be worse, i just feel like it could be better.. i have frikin shitloads of love to give, bet there are no takers, people just think that love is weird or annoying.

bet dazhreiz es domaaju, ok so be it, taapeec, ka vinji domaa ka es esmu weird, lame or annoying, it's not up to me. the love is in me and it needs to get out, and actually i have much less control over whether it does get out or not, than i assume. so par spiiti es tikuntaa turpinu, kas man juutas kaa, uzmaakties cilveekiem ar loving vibe, because it can't be helped. un lai arii es visu laiku juutos kaa raibs klauns, it can't be helped, love is unstoppable and unleashes itself
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