viole[n]t ([info]merlot) rakstīja,
@ 2008-05-23 10:49:00

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ierasties ne vairāk pa sešiem reizē, citādi vīns no ūdensglāzēm vai piņģerotiem

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2008-05-23 13:59 (saite)

... The first time that she came to my house, she bought Chardonnay, now I buy Chardonnay, almost every day.
And as her kissing got worse, oh her paintings improved, but what does that prove, it proves nothing.
On March the 23 rd she said something so absurd,
She said ‘You love to be in love, but your never really in love.’
She said ‘You love to be in love, but your never really in love.’

Every single day, I get down and pray, that she’ll change her mind

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