Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2006-12-27 13:04:00

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esmu atkapājis jaunu ultramegahītu no martcore's gada dziesmas balvas ieguvēja, no grupas, kas piepilda manu sirdi ar mīlestību kā benzīntanks ar saviem sasodīti un nolādēti brīnšķīgajiem tekstiem un trīs akordiem (grupa vairāk nemāk)! get it!

ballboy - one sailor was waving

aurot līdzi (domās), protams, pie
and aaaaaaaaaaare you in love with me? you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me
and aaaaaaaaaaare you in love with me? you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me

'm not the brightest hope, i'm not the shining light
of my generation
there's nothing in my heart

and i've been drunk in every room and on every floor
of the world's tallest building
there's nothing in my heart

and are you in love with me?
you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me
and are you in love with me?
you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me

inside a taxi cab, inside a carnival,
inside a ticker-tape parade
in new york in the rain

upside down and tangled up in a parachute
trying to set myself free
as the ground is rushing to meet me

and are you in love with me?
you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me
and are you in love with me?
you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me

and i'm sick and tired of talking shite and the things that people i love put up with from me
put up with from me

i'm going to get drunk in the afternoon, take a razor blade across my eyes and see
if it makes any difference to me

and are you in love with me?
you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me
and are you in love with me?
you know what it means to me, you know what it means to me


i'm not the brightest hope, i'm not the shining light
of my generation

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2006-12-27 21:15 (saite)
..un seeru viitolos veejsh skumjas nopuutas dvesh..

zZzzz ak cik var onaneet kokjeteet ar muuzham vienu un to pashu 'ai kaads es cuuka; akk, engjel, beedz jel no manis *iekrampeejoties engjeljam kaajaa ar buldoga dzejnieka tveerienu gan*' zZzz

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2006-12-27 21:47 (saite)
es par šo grupu, ja nemaldos, safanojos vēl radio KNZ laikos, kur manā ēterā bieži skanēja "i hate scotland", ļauj padomāt pirms cik gadiem tas bija. pirms cik gadiem. un pēc tam esmu katru dienu par šo grupu ar visu sirdi fanojis; tāpat kā aļoša. ja es te sāktu likt iekšā "hefner", tad zināms, kas būtu. laikam jāsāk likt tikai kūpošas traktora detaļas.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-12-28 07:45 (saite)
*atziniigi klanot galvu* praatiigi ruukts, bez shaubaam. tikai..juus aizmirstaties, dzejnieka kungs. ljaujiet jums atgaadinaat, ka shoreiz sarunas partnere diemzheel paaraak labi paziist juus, kaa arii ir familiaara ar juusu..khmm..dziivesstaastu. un veelreiz: paaraak labi paziist juus, tostarp juusu tieksmi uz manaa ieprieksheejaa postaa mineetajiem..khmm..procesiem/darbiibaam. taa ka juusu argumenti shoreiz tiek diskvalificeeti, jo iipashi, njemot veeraa aizdomiigo degsmi, ar kaadu tie tiek pievesti :D
fanoshana par grupu, pat par lirikaam ir viena lieta - atsevishkju tekstu un, jo iipashi, ar konkreeti uzsveertaam un izceltaam rindinjaam, posteeshana - pavisam cita lieta.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-12-28 10:10 (saite)
SC lietotājs martcore negrib pievest kontrargumentus, kuri ietvertu sevī tādus ideoloģismus kā "slimīga iztēle" vai arī "padiskutēt gribas", tādēļ uzskata par nepieciešamu noslēgt šo konversāciju, abiem dalībniekiem draudzīgi paspiežot rokas.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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