Kamēr jūs te ar "Aquarium"
Es beidzot dabūju noklausīties vienīgo plati, kuru nebiju dzirdējis no
Asian Dub Foundation - "Enemy Of The Enemy". Jāatzīst, ka pēc lieliskā
"Rafi's Revenge" ieraksta, man ne pārāk patika "Community Music",
"Facts And Fictions" vai "Tank" Un jāatzīst, ka man ir atkal
atgriezusies vecā mīlestība uz ADF - te ir mazāk paša dub, toties
vairāk patiesa niknuma iekšā.
Somewhere in the ghetto where morality died
It's a rapid response and all the hand s are tied
Ask the questions later raise the 45
Press it against his head watch him beg for his life
Now you're the judge,the jury and the executioner sealin' his fate
Now you're the judge,the jury and the executioner sealing his fate