Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2016-06-11 23:51:00

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tas ir tikai taisnīgi, ka gaffers par savu vienu neizmantoto maiņu saņem golu pēdējā minūtē, es uzskatu

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2016-06-12 09:02 (saite)
es jau gaidīju, ka akinfejevs ies sist golu, ja reiz gandrīz neviens cits komandā nespēlēja

un cepuri nost rūnijam par šefību vidū

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vēl intresanti
2016-06-12 09:04 (saite)
Dier scored despite never having attempted a single direct free-kick shot in his 65 Premier League appearances with Tottenham.

Kane did not have a single touch in the opposition box against Russia.

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