advancētais jūzeris phz drošvien jau ir trīsreiz izskatījis indiestatikā visu 2014-anticipētāko ne no viena neatkarīgo projektu saraksta simtnieku
jaunais kens gao, turpinājums the dear esther, bet ne miņas no blackwell dames, šņuk
manu ideju kāršu spēlei "contact bridge" pagaidām neviens vēl nav pacēlis
spīdīgo džurnālu garā - 5 lietas, kas man no turienes lika saknosīties un pozitīvi noraizēties
1. šādas lietas bieži mēdz nostrādāt visnegaidītākajos veidos
Blood of the Ortolan (Richard Hofmeier)
Blood of the Ortolan takes place on a boat and involves “getting to know
strangers over exotic foods.” That, and the fact that it’s a
“food-themed murder mystery,” is just about all we know about Richard
Hofmeier’s follow-up to his multiple IGF award-winning Cart Life. 2. āaaaaaa! vienmēr esmu gribējis kaut ko tādu!
Storyteller (Daniel Benmergui)
Human relationships and interaction are very strange. There’s little
logic in how it all works, though we try to make guesses all the time.
Storyteller has this at its core. By dragging around props and
characters into panels, you’re able to cause events to happen between
these elements. Death, marriage, love, arguments – all the ups and
downs. Your task, however, is to create a certain sequence of events
that result in the conclusion that level has challenged you to reach.
Should be a very interesting challenge.3. bez komentāriem. un kas ir interesantākais - tā taču sanāk visgaidītākā šāgada pc spēle vispār, nevis tikai indie sfērā. (ja watch dogs būs tikai consoles only)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts)
A horror game inspired by the likes of Poe and Lovecraft, The Vanishing
of Ethan Carter takes all the mystery of detective stories and macabre
of early-20th century “weird fiction” and blends it together to create
something truly enigmatic. 4. ārts čmārts. kurš teica, ka tas ir sviests? tas nav sviests, jo...
Neverending Nightmares (Infinitap Games)
An unsettling psychological horror game that embraces the realities of
mental illness straight on, Neverending Nightmares comes from a personal
place, rather than a purely aesthetic one. It aims to explore mental
illness, rather than exploit it for cheap scares, making some of its
more traditional horror elements feel dreadful in their realness.
5....šis ir pareizais sviests. autora uzvārds liecina par izcelsmi no valsts, kurā atbalsta, lūk, šādus pēc tam rezultātus.
Mirage (Mario van Rickenbach)
The mind of Mario von Rickenbach is fascinating. Mirage is not the only
one of his creations that acts as testament to that statement, but it’s
the most notable. You play a top hat that is attached to a foot,
swimming through a dream-like reality. You grab eyes, mouths and other
body parts in order to perceive the world differently, and to also
consume popcorn. Isn’t that just wonderful?