Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2006-01-03 14:57:00

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Entry tags:literatism, muzikism

gribat mīlas liriku? saņemiet!

mani kaut kas tāds loti ietekmē, man liekas, ka šis rakstītais teksts 

Burn these sheets that we've just fucked in
My weekend, weekend, I've been sucked in
Just one more time and then you'll get tucked in
I think you may still be my best

Come with me cause I need a thrill now
It's okay cause I'm on the pill now

We hardly spoke we just ... (?)
And we slept away when the party was blooming
We've got so good now I'm just presuming
Why won't you let me rest?

Come with me now no-one will miss you
Do what you want, don't expect me to kiss you

It's your skin and your breath and your sweat n' greasy hair
The empty cans and makeshift ashtrays everywhere
Strangers waking up in the Monday morning stink
Of course I feel sick, but that's not why you think

Come with me but this is the last time
Understand you're no more than a pastime

My sharp exit could not have been quicker
But my excuse could've been a bit slicker
Just be polite now and get down and lick her
I think it's time we both get dressed

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Re: retorisks jautājums
2006-01-03 19:20 (saite)
It's your skin and your breath and your sweat n' greasy hair
The empty cans and makeshift ashtrays everywhere

šitais taščī

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Re: retorisks jautājums
2006-01-05 22:47 (saite)
Tā jau nav lirika, bet gan kaut kāda nostaļģija par kojās aizvadīto laiku :)

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